2 # This class is the internal subclass that deals with AGW Engine connections
4 # The complication here is that there only one 'real' (and from the node's point
5 # of view, invisible) IP connection. This connection then has multiplexed
6 # connections passed down it, a la BPQ native host ports (but not as nicely).
8 # It is a shame that the author has chosen an inherently dangerous binary format
9 # which is non-framed and has the potential for getting out of sync and not
10 # being able to recover. Relying on length fields is recipe for disaster (esp.
11 # for him!). DoS attacks are a wonderful thing....
13 # Also making the user handle the distinction between a level 2 and 4 connection
14 # and especially Digis, in the way that he has, is a bit of a cop out! If I can
15 # be arsed to do anything other than straight ax25 connects then it will only
16 # because I have the 'power of perl' available that avoids me getting
17 # terminally bored sorting out other people's sloppyness.
21 # Copyright (c) 2001 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
32 use vars qw(@ISA $sock @outqueue $send_offset $inmsg $rproc $noports $lastytime
33 $lasthtime $ypolltime $hpolltime %circuit);
35 @ISA = qw(Msg ExtMsg);
42 $lastytime = $lasthtime = time;
43 $ypolltime = 10 unless defined $ypolltime;
44 $hpolltime = 300 unless defined $hpolltime;
47 use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
48 $VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
49 $BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) || 0;
50 $main::build += $VERSION;
51 $main::branch += $BRANCH;
55 return unless $enable;
59 dbg("AGW initialising and connecting to $addr/$port ...");
60 $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $addr, PeerPort => $port, Proto=>'tcp', Timeout=>15);
62 dbg("Cannot connect to AGW Engine at $addr/$port $!");
65 Msg::blocking($sock, 0);
66 Msg::set_event_handler($sock, read=>\&_rcv, error=>\&_error);
68 # send a P frame for the login if required
70 my $data = pack "a255 a255", $login, $passwd;
71 _sendf('P', undef, undef, undef, undef, $data);
75 # R frame for the release number
76 # G frame to ask for ports
77 # X frame to say who we are
78 # optional m frame to enable monitoring
81 _sendf('X', $main::mycall);
82 _sendf('m') if $monitor;
93 for (values %circuit) {
94 &{$_->{eproc}}() if $_->{eproc};
98 _sendf('m') if $monitor;
99 _sendf('x', $main::mycall);
101 Msg::set_event_handler($sock, read=>undef, write=>undef, error=>undef);
113 my $sort = shift || confess "need a valid AGW command letter";
114 my $from = shift || '';
115 my $to = shift || '';
116 my $port = shift || 0;
117 my $pid = shift || 0;
118 my $data = shift || '';
122 if ($sort eq 'y' || $sort eq 'H') {
123 dbg("AGW sendf: $sort '${from}'->'${to}' port: $port pid: $pid \"$data\"") if isdbg('agwpoll');
124 } elsif ($sort eq 'D') {
128 dbg("AGW sendf: $sort '${from}'->'${to}' port: $port pid: $pid \"$d\"") if isdbg('agw');
131 dbg("AGW sendf: $sort '${from}'->'${to}' port: $port pid: $pid \"$data\"") if isdbg('agw');
133 push @outqueue, pack('C x3 a1 x1 C x1 a10 a10 V x4 a*', $port, $sort, $pid, $from, $to, $len, $data);
134 Msg::set_event_handler($sock, write=>\&_send);
141 # If $flush is set, set the socket to blocking, and send all
142 # messages in the queue - return only if there's an error
143 # If $flush is 0 (deferred mode) make the socket non-blocking, and
144 # return to the event loop only after every message, or if it
145 # is likely to block in the middle of a message.
147 my $offset = $send_offset;
150 my $msg = $outqueue[0];
151 my $mlth = length($msg);
152 my $bytes_to_write = $mlth - $offset;
153 my $bytes_written = 0;
154 confess("Negative Length! msg: '$msg' lth: $mlth offset: $offset") if $bytes_to_write < 0;
155 while ($bytes_to_write > 0) {
156 $bytes_written = syswrite ($sock, $msg,
157 $bytes_to_write, $offset);
158 if (!defined($bytes_written)) {
159 if (Msg::_err_will_block($!)) {
160 # Should happen only in deferred mode. Record how
161 # much we have already sent.
162 $send_offset = $offset;
163 # Event handler should already be set, so we will
164 # be called back eventually, and will resume sending
168 return 0; # fail. Message remains in queue ..
172 dbgdump('raw', "AGW send $bytes_written: ", $msg);
174 $offset += $bytes_written;
175 $bytes_to_write -= $bytes_written;
177 $send_offset = $offset = 0;
179 last; # Go back to select and wait
180 # for it to fire again.
183 # Call me back if queue has not been drained.
185 Msg::set_event_handler ($sock, write => \&_send);
187 Msg::set_event_handler ($sock, write => undef);
192 sub _rcv { # Complement to _send
194 my ($msg, $offset, $bytes_read);
196 $bytes_read = sysread ($sock, $msg, 1024, 0);
197 if (defined ($bytes_read)) {
198 if ($bytes_read > 0) {
201 dbgdump('raw', "AGW read $bytes_read: ", $msg);
205 if (Msg::_err_will_block($!)) {
213 if (defined $bytes_read && $bytes_read == 0) {
216 _decode() if length $inmsg >= 36;
222 dbg("error on AGW connection $addr/$port $!");
223 Msg::set_event_handler($sock, read=>undef, write=>undef, error=>undef);
226 &{$_->{eproc}}() if $_->{eproc};
235 # we have at least 36 bytes of data (ugh!)
236 while (length $inmsg >= 36) {
237 my ($port, $sort, $pid, $from, $to, $len) = unpack('C x3 a1 x1 C x1 Z10 Z10 V x4', $inmsg);
240 # do a sanity check on the length
242 dbg("AGW: invalid length $len > 2000 received ($sort $port $pid '$from'->'$to')");
247 if (length $inmsg > 36) {
248 $inmsg = substr($inmsg, 36);
252 } elsif (length $inmsg > $len + 36) {
253 $data = substr($inmsg, 36, $len);
254 $inmsg = substr($inmsg, $len + 36);
255 } elsif (length $inmsg == $len + 36) {
256 $data = substr($inmsg, 36);
260 # we don't have enough data or something
261 # or we have screwed up
266 $data = '' unless defined $data;
268 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
270 dbg("AGW Data In port: $port pid: $pid '$from'->'$to' length: $len \"$d\"") if isdbg('agw');
271 my $conn = _find($from eq $main::mycall ? $to : $from);
273 if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC') {
274 if (exists $conn->{cmd}) {
275 if (@{$conn->{cmd}}) {
276 dbg($d) if isdbg('connect');
280 if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC' && exists $conn->{cmd} && @{$conn->{cmd}} == 0) {
281 $conn->to_connected($conn->{call}, 'O', $conn->{csort});
284 my @lines = split /\cM/, $data;
287 &{$conn->{rproc}}($conn, "I$conn->{call}|$_");
290 &{$conn->{rproc}}($conn, "I$conn->{call}|");
294 dbg("AGW error Unsolicited Data!");
296 } elsif ($sort eq 'I' || $sort eq 'S' || $sort eq 'U' || $sort eq 'M' || $sort eq 'T') {
297 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
299 my @lines = split /\cM/, $d;
302 s/([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
303 dbg("AGW Monitor port: $port \"$_\"") if isdbg('agw');
305 } elsif ($sort eq 'C') {
306 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
308 dbg("AGW Connect port: $port pid: $pid '$from'->'$to' \"$d\"") if isdbg('agw');
309 my $call = $from eq $main::mycall ? $to : $from;
310 my $conn = _find($call);
312 if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC') {
313 if (exists $conn->{cmd} && @{$conn->{cmd}}) {
315 if ($conn->{state} eq 'WC' && exists $conn->{cmd} && @{$conn->{cmd}} == 0) {
316 $conn->to_connected($conn->{call}, 'O', $conn->{csort});
321 $conn = AGWMsg->new($rproc);
322 $conn->{agwpid} = $pid;
323 $conn->{agwport} = $port;
324 $conn->{lineend} = "\cM";
325 $conn->{incoming} = 1;
326 $conn->{agwcall} = $call;
327 $circuit{$call} = $conn;
328 if ($call =~ /^(\w+)-(\d\d?)$/) {
332 if ($s <= 8 && $s > 0) {
338 $conn->to_connected($call, 'A', $conn->{csort} = 'ax25');
340 } elsif ($sort eq 'd') {
341 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
343 dbg("AGW '$from'->'$to' port: $port Disconnected ($d)") if isdbg('agw');
344 my $conn = _find($from eq $main::mycall ? $to : $from);
346 &{$conn->{eproc}}() if $conn->{eproc};
347 $conn->in_disconnect;
349 } elsif ($sort eq 'y') {
350 my ($frames) = unpack "V", $data;
351 dbg("AGW Frames Outstanding on port $port = $frames") if isdbg('agwpollans');
352 my $conn = _find($from);
353 $conn->{oframes} = $frames if $conn;
354 } elsif ($sort eq 'Y') {
355 my ($frames) = unpack "V", $data;
356 dbg("AGW Frames Outstanding on circuit '$from'->'$to' = $frames") if isdbg('agw');
357 my $conn = _find($from eq $main::mycall ? $to : $from);
358 $conn->{oframes} = $frames if $conn;
359 } elsif ($sort eq 'H') {
360 unless ($from =~ /^\s+$/) {
361 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
363 dbg("AGW Heard port: $port \"$d\"") if isdbg('agw');
365 } elsif ($sort eq 'X') {
366 my ($r) = unpack "C", $data;
367 $r = $r ? "Successful" : "Failed";
368 dbg("AGW Register $from $r");
370 } elsif ($sort eq 'R') {
371 my ($major, $minor) = unpack "v x2 v x2", $data;
372 dbg("AGW Version $major.$minor") if isdbg('agw');
373 } elsif ($sort eq 'G') {
374 my @ports = split /;/, $data;
375 $noports = shift @ports || '0';
376 dbg("AGW $noports Ports available") if isdbg('agw');
377 pop @ports while @ports > $noports;
380 dbg("AGW Port: $_") if isdbg('agw');
382 for (my $i = 0; $i < $noports; $i++) {
383 _sendf('y', undef, undef, $i);
384 _sendf('g', undef, undef, $i);
387 my $d = unpack "Z*", $data;
388 dbg("AGW decode $sort port: $port pid: $pid '$from'->'$to' length: $len \"$d\"") if isdbg('agw');
396 return $circuit{$call};
401 my ($conn, $line) = @_;
403 my ($port, $call) = split /\s+/, $line;
404 $conn->{agwpid} = ord "\xF0";
405 $conn->{agwport} = $port - 1;
406 $conn->{lineend} = "\cM";
407 $conn->{incoming} = 0;
408 $conn->{csort} = 'ax25';
409 $conn->{agwcall} = uc $call;
410 $circuit{$conn->{agwcall}} = $conn;
412 _sendf('C', $main::mycall, $conn->{agwcall}, $conn->{agwport}, $conn->{agwpid});
413 $conn->{state} = 'WC';
421 delete $circuit{$conn->{agwcall}};
422 $conn->SUPER::disconnect;
428 delete $circuit{$conn->{agwcall}};
429 if ($conn->{incoming}) {
430 _sendf('d', $conn->{agwcall}, $main::mycall, $conn->{agwport}, $conn->{agwpid});
432 _sendf('d', $main::mycall, $conn->{agwcall}, $conn->{agwport}, $conn->{agwpid});
434 $conn->SUPER::disconnect;
439 my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
441 $msg =~ s/^[-\w]+\|//;
442 # _sendf('Y', $main::mycall, $conn->{call}, $conn->{agwport}, $conn->{agwpid});
443 _sendf('D', $main::mycall, $conn->{agwcall}, $conn->{agwport}, $conn->{agwpid}, $msg . $conn->{lineend});
444 my $len = length($msg) + 1;
445 dbg("AGW Data Out port: $conn->{agwport} pid: $conn->{agwpid} '$main::mycall'->'$conn->{agwcall}' length: $len \"$msg\"") if isdbg('agw');
452 if ($ypolltime && $main::systime - $lastytime >= $ypolltime) {
453 for (my $i = 0; $i < $noports; $i++) {
454 _sendf('y', undef, undef, $i );
456 $lastytime = $main::systime;
458 if ($hpolltime && $main::systime - $lasthtime >= $hpolltime) {
459 for (my $i = 0; $i < $noports; $i++) {
460 _sendf('H', undef, undef, $i );
462 $lasthtime = $main::systime;