3 # This module impliments the protocal mode for a dx cluster
5 # Copyright (c) 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
28 $me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
32 my $user = DXUser->get($main::mycall);
33 $me = DXProt->new($main::mycall, undef, $user);
34 # $me->{sort} = 'M'; # M for me
38 # obtain a new connection this is derived from dxchannel
43 my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
44 $self->{sort} = 'A'; # in absence of how to find out what sort of an object I am
48 # this is how a pc connection starts (for an incoming connection)
49 # issue a PC38 followed by a PC18, then wait for a PC20 (remembering
50 # all the crap that comes between).
53 my ($self, $line) = shift;
54 my $call = $self->call;
56 # remember type of connection
57 $self->{consort} = $line;
60 $self->send_now('B',"0");
62 # send initialisation string
63 $self->send(pc38()) if DXNode->get_all();
65 $self->state('normal');
70 # This is the normal pcxx despatcher
74 my ($self, $line) = @_;
75 my @field = split /[\^\~]/, $line;
77 # ignore any lines that don't start with PC
78 return if !$field[0] =~ /^PC/;
81 my ($pcno) = $field[0] =~ /^PC(\d\d)/; # just get the number
82 return if $pcno < 10 || $pcno > 51;
85 if ($pcno == 10) { # incoming talk
87 # is it for me or one of mine?
88 my $call = ($field[5] gt ' ') ? $field[5] : $field[2];
89 if ($call eq $main::mycall || grep $_ eq $call, get_all_user_calls()) {
92 my $text = unpad($field[3]);
93 my $ref = DXChannel->get($call);
94 $ref->send("$call de $field[1]: $text") if $ref;
96 route($field[2], $line); # relay it on its way
101 if ($pcno == 11) { # dx spot
103 # if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
104 last SWITCH if grep $field[7] =~ /^$_/, @DXProt::nodx_node;
106 # convert the date to a unix date
107 my $date = $field[3];
108 my $time = $field[4];
109 $date =~ s/^\s*(\d+)-(\w\w\w)-(19\d\d)$/$1 $2 $3/;
110 $time =~ s/^(\d\d)(\d\d)Z$/$1:$2 +0000/;
111 my $d = str2time("$date $time");
112 return if !$d; # bang out (and don't pass on) if date is invalid
114 # strip off the leading & trailing spaces from the comment
115 my $text = unpad($field[5]);
118 Spot::add($field[1], $field[2], $d, $text, $field[6]);
120 # format and broadcast it to users
121 my $spotter = $field[6];
122 $spotter =~ s/-\d+$//o; # strip off the ssid from the spotter
123 $spotter .= ':'; # add a colon
125 # send orf to the users
126 my $buf = sprintf "DX de %-7.7s %13.13s %-12.12s %-30.30s %5.5s\a\a", $spotter, $field[1], $field[2], $text, $field[4];
127 broadcast_users($buf);
132 if ($pcno == 12) { # announces
134 if ($field[2] eq '*' || $field[2] eq $main::mycall) {
136 # strip leading and trailing stuff
137 my $text = unpad($field[3]);
141 if ($field[4] eq '*') { # sysops
142 $target = "To Sysops";
143 @list = map { $_->priv >= 5 ? $_ : () } get_all_users();
144 } elsif ($field[4] gt ' ') { # speciality list handling
145 my ($name) = split /\./, $field[4];
146 $target = "To $name"; # put the rest in later (if bothered)
149 $target = "WX" if $field[6] eq '1';
150 $target = "To All" if !$target;
153 broadcast_list("$target de $field[1]: $text", @list);
155 broadcast_users("$target de $field[1]: $text");
158 return if $field[2] eq $main::mycall; # it's routed to me
160 route($field[2], $line);
161 return; # only on a routed one
167 if ($pcno == 13) {last SWITCH;}
168 if ($pcno == 14) {last SWITCH;}
169 if ($pcno == 15) {last SWITCH;}
171 if ($pcno == 16) { # add a user
172 my $node = DXCluster->get($field[1]);
173 last SWITCH if !$node; # ignore if havn't seen a PC19 for this one yet
176 for ($i = 2; $i < $#field; $i++) {
177 my ($call, $confmode, $here) = $field[$i] =~ /^(\w+) (-) (\d)/o;
178 next if length $call < 3;
181 $call =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove ssid
182 next if DXCluster->get($call); # we already have this (loop?)
184 $confmode = $confmode eq '*';
185 DXNodeuser->new($self, $node, $call, $confmode, $here);
187 # add this station to the user database, if required
188 my $user = DXUser->get_current($call);
189 $user = DXUser->new($call) if !$user;
190 $user->node($node->call) if !$user->node;
196 if ($pcno == 17) { # remove a user
197 my $ref = DXCluster->get($field[1]);
202 if ($pcno == 18) { # link request
204 $self->send_local_config();
209 if ($pcno == 19) { # incoming cluster list
211 for ($i = 1; $i < $#field-1; $i += 4) {
212 my $here = $field[$i];
213 my $call = uc $field[$i+1];
214 my $confmode = $field[$i+2] eq '*';
215 my $ver = $field[$i+3];
217 # now check the call over
218 next if DXCluster->get($call); # we already have this
220 # check for sane parameters
221 next if $ver < 5000; # only works with version 5 software
222 next if length $call < 3; # min 3 letter callsigns
223 DXNode->new($self, $call, $confmode, $here, $ver);
228 if ($pcno == 20) { # send local configuration
229 $self->send_local_config();
234 if ($pcno == 21) { # delete a cluster from the list
235 my $call = uc $field[1];
236 my $ref = DXCluster->get($call);
241 if ($pcno == 22) {last SWITCH;}
242 if ($pcno == 23) {last SWITCH;}
244 if ($pcno == 24) { # set here status
245 my $call = uc $field[1];
247 my $ref = DXCluster->get($call);
248 $ref->here($field[2]) if $ref;
252 if ($pcno == 25) {last SWITCH;}
253 if ($pcno == 26) {last SWITCH;}
254 if ($pcno == 27) {last SWITCH;}
255 if ($pcno == 28) {last SWITCH;}
256 if ($pcno == 29) {last SWITCH;}
257 if ($pcno == 30) {last SWITCH;}
258 if ($pcno == 31) {last SWITCH;}
259 if ($pcno == 32) {last SWITCH;}
260 if ($pcno == 33) {last SWITCH;}
261 if ($pcno == 34) {last SWITCH;}
262 if ($pcno == 35) {last SWITCH;}
263 if ($pcno == 36) {last SWITCH;}
264 if ($pcno == 37) {last SWITCH;}
265 if ($pcno == 38) {last SWITCH;}
267 if ($pcno == 39) { # incoming disconnect
272 if ($pcno == 40) {last SWITCH;}
273 if ($pcno == 41) { # user info
274 # add this station to the user database, if required
275 my $user = DXUser->get_current($field[1]);
276 $user = DXUser->new($field[1]) if !$user;
278 if ($field[2] == 1) {
279 $user->name($field[3]);
280 } elsif ($field[2] == 2) {
281 $user->qth($field[3]);
282 } elsif ($field[2] == 3) {
283 my ($latd, $latm, $latl, $longd, $longm, $longl) = split /\s+/, $field[3];
284 $longd += ($longm/60);
285 $longd = 0-$longd if (uc $longl) eq 'W';
288 $latd = 0-$latd if (uc $latl) eq 'S';
290 } elsif ($field[2] == 4) {
291 $user->node($field[3]);
296 if ($pcno == 42) {last SWITCH;}
297 if ($pcno == 43) {last SWITCH;}
298 if ($pcno == 44) {last SWITCH;}
299 if ($pcno == 45) {last SWITCH;}
300 if ($pcno == 46) {last SWITCH;}
301 if ($pcno == 47) {last SWITCH;}
302 if ($pcno == 48) {last SWITCH;}
303 if ($pcno == 49) {last SWITCH;}
305 if ($pcno == 50) { # keep alive/user list
306 my $ref = DXCluster->get($field[1]);
307 $ref->update_users($field[2]) if $ref;
311 if ($pcno == 51) { # incoming ping requests/answers
314 if ($field[1] eq $main::mycall) {
315 my $flag = $field[3];
317 $self->send($self->pc51($field[2], $field[1], $flag));
319 # route down an appropriate thingy
320 route($field[1], $line);
326 # if get here then rebroadcast the thing with its Hop count decremented (if
327 # there is one). If it has a hop count and it decrements to zero then don't
330 # NOTE - don't arrive here UNLESS YOU WANT this lump of protocol to be
335 if (($hops) = $line =~ /H(\d+)\^\~?$/o) {
336 my $newhops = $hops - 1;
338 $line =~ s/\^H$hops(\^\~?)$/\^H$newhops$1/; # change the hop count
339 broadcast_ak1a($line, $self); # send it to everyone but me
345 # This is called from inside the main cluster processing loop and is used
346 # for despatching commands that are doing some long processing job
351 my @chan = DXChannel->get_all();
354 foreach $chan (@chan) {
355 next if !$chan->is_ak1a();
357 # send a pc50 out on this channel
358 if ($t >= $chan->pc50_t + $DXProt::pc50_interval) {
366 # finish up a pc context
371 my $ref = DXCluster->get($self->call);
373 # broadcast to all other nodes that all the nodes connected to via me are gone
374 my @nodes = map { $_->dxchan == $self ? $_ : () } DXNode::get_all();
377 foreach $node (@nodes) {
378 next if $node->call eq $self->call;
379 broadcast_ak1a(DXProt::pc21($node, 'Gone'), $self); # done like this 'cos DXNodes don't have a pc21 method
382 # now broadcast to all other ak1a nodes that I have gone
383 broadcast_ak1a($self->pc21('Gone.'), $self);
388 # some active measures
391 sub send_local_config
397 my @nodes = DXNode::get_all();
399 # create a list of all the nodes that are not connected to this connection
400 @nodes = map { $_->dxchan != $self ? $_ : () } @nodes;
401 $self->send($me->pc19(@nodes));
403 # get all the users connected on the above nodes and send them out
404 foreach $n (@nodes) {
405 my @users = values %{$n->list};
406 $self->send(DXProt::pc16($n, @users));
411 # route a message down an appropriate interface for a callsign
413 # is called route(to, pcline);
417 my ($call, $line) = @_;
418 my $cl = DXCluster->get($call);
421 my $dxchan = $cl->{dxchan};
422 if (($hops) = $line =~ /H(\d+)\^\~?$/o) {
423 my $newhops = $hops - 1;
425 $line =~ s/\^H$hops(\^\~?)$/\^H$newhops$1/; # change the hop count
426 $dxchan->send($line) if $dxchan;
429 $dxchan->send($line) if $dxchan; # for them wot don't have Hops
434 # broadcast a message to all clusters [except those mentioned after buffer]
437 my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
438 my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
439 my @chan = get_all_ak1a();
442 foreach $chan (@chan) {
443 next if grep $chan == $_, @except;
444 $chan->send($s); # send it if it isn't the except list
448 # broadcast to all users
451 my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
452 my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
453 my @chan = get_all_users();
456 foreach $chan (@chan) {
457 next if grep $chan == $_, @except;
458 $chan->send($s); # send it if it isn't the except list
462 # broadcast to a list of users
469 $chan->send($s); # send it
474 # gimme all the ak1a nodes
478 my @list = DXChannel->get_all();
481 foreach $ref (@list) {
482 push @out, $ref if $ref->is_ak1a;
487 # return a list of all users
490 my @list = DXChannel->get_all();
493 foreach $ref (@list) {
494 push @out, $ref if $ref->is_user;
499 # return a list of all user callsigns
500 sub get_all_user_calls
502 my @list = DXChannel->get_all();
505 foreach $ref (@list) {
506 push @out, $ref->call if $ref->is_user;
512 # obtain the hops from the list for this callsign and pc no
518 my $hops = $DXProt::hopcount{$pcno};
519 $hops = $DXProt::def_hopcount if !$hops;
523 # remove leading and trailing spaces from an input string