3 # This module impliments the protocal mode for a dx cluster
5 # Copyright (c) 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
28 use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
33 use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $pc11_dup_age $pc23_dup_age
34 %spotdup %wwvdup $last_hour %pings %rcmds
35 %nodehops @baddx $baddxfn $pc12_dup_age
36 %anndup $allowzero $pc12_dup_lth $decode_dk0wcy);
38 $me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
39 $decode_dk0wcy = undef; # if set use this callsign to decode announces from the EU WWV data beacon
40 $pc11_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc11
41 $pc23_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc23
42 $pc11_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the spot dup list for
43 $pc23_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the wwv dup list for
44 $pc12_dup_age = 24*3600; # the maximum time to keep the ann dup list for
45 $pc12_dup_lth = 60; # the length of ANN text to save for deduping
46 %spotdup = (); # the pc11 and 26 dup hash
47 %wwvdup = (); # the pc23 and 27 dup hash
48 %anndup = (); # the PC12 dup hash
49 $last_hour = time; # last time I did an hourly periodic update
50 %pings = (); # outstanding ping requests outbound
51 %rcmds = (); # outstanding rcmd requests outbound
52 %nodehops = (); # node specific hop control
53 @baddx = (); # list of illegal spotted callsigns
56 $baddxfn = "$main::data/baddx.pl";
60 my $user = DXUser->get($main::mycall);
61 $DXProt::myprot_version += $main::version*100;
62 $me = DXProt->new($main::mycall, 0, $user);
64 $me->{state} = "indifferent";
65 do "$main::data/hop_table.pl" if -e "$main::data/hop_table.pl";
67 # $me->{sort} = 'M'; # M for me
69 # now prime the spot duplicates file with today's and yesterday's data
70 my @today = Julian::unixtoj(time);
71 my @spots = Spot::readfile(@today);
72 @today = Julian::sub(@today, 1);
73 push @spots, Spot::readfile(@today);
75 my $dupkey = "$_->[0]$_->[1]$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
76 $spotdup{$dupkey} = $_->[2];
79 # now prime the wwv duplicates file with just this month's data
80 my @wwv = Geomag::readfile(time);
82 my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
83 $wwvdup{$dupkey} = $_->[1];
87 do "$baddxfn" if -e "$baddxfn";
92 # obtain a new connection this is derived from dxchannel
97 my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
98 $self->{'sort'} = 'A'; # in absence of how to find out what sort of an object I am
102 # this is how a pc connection starts (for an incoming connection)
103 # issue a PC38 followed by a PC18, then wait for a PC20 (remembering
104 # all the crap that comes between).
107 my ($self, $line, $sort) = @_;
108 my $call = $self->{call};
109 my $user = $self->{user};
111 # remember type of connection
112 $self->{consort} = $line;
113 $self->{outbound} = $sort eq 'O';
114 $self->{priv} = $user->priv;
115 $self->{lang} = $user->lang;
116 $self->{isolate} = $user->{isolate};
117 $self->{consort} = $line; # save the connection type
120 # get the INPUT filters (these only pertain to Clusters)
121 $self->{inspotfilter} = Filter::read_in('spots', $call, 1);
122 $self->{inwwvfilter} = Filter::read_in('wwv', $call, 1);
123 $self->{inannfilter} = Filter::read_in('ann', $call, 1);
125 # set unbuffered and no echo
126 $self->send_now('B',"0");
127 $self->send_now('E',"0");
129 # ping neighbour node stuff
130 my $ping = $user->pingint;
131 $ping = 5*60 unless defined $ping;
132 $self->pingint($ping);
133 $self->nopings($user->nopings || 2);
134 $self->pingtime([ ]);
136 # send initialisation string
137 unless ($self->{outbound}) {
138 $self->send(pc38()) if DXNode->get_all();
140 $self->lastping($main::systime);
142 # remove from outstanding connects queue
143 @main::outstanding_connects = grep {$_->{call} ne $call} @main::outstanding_connects;
144 $self->lastping($main::systime + $self->pingint / 2);
146 $self->state('init');
149 # send info to all logged in thingies
150 $self->tell_login('loginn');
152 Log('DXProt', "$call connected");
156 # This is the normal pcxx despatcher
160 my ($self, $line) = @_;
161 my @field = split /\^/, $line;
162 pop @field if $field[-1] eq '~';
164 # print join(',', @field), "\n";
166 # ignore any lines that don't start with PC
167 return if !$field[0] =~ /^PC/;
170 my ($pcno) = $field[0] =~ /^PC(\d\d)/; # just get the number
172 return if $pcno < 10 || $pcno > 51;
174 # dump bad protocol messages unless it is a PC29
175 if ($line =~ /\%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]/o && $pcno != 29) {
176 dbg('chan', "CORRUPT protocol message - dumped");
183 $pcr = Local::pcprot($self, $pcno, @field);
185 # dbg('local', "Local::pcprot error $@") if $@;
189 if ($pcno == 10) { # incoming talk
191 # is it for me or one of mine?
192 my $call = ($field[5] gt ' ') ? $field[5] : $field[2];
193 if ($call eq $main::mycall || grep $_ eq $call, DXChannel::get_all_user_calls()) {
196 my $text = unpad($field[3]);
197 Log('talk', $call, $field[1], $field[6], $text);
198 $call = $main::myalias if $call eq $main::mycall;
199 my $ref = DXChannel->get($call);
200 $ref->send("$call de $field[1]: $text") if $ref && $ref->{talk};
202 $self->route($field[2], $line); # relay it on its way
207 if ($pcno == 11 || $pcno == 26) { # dx spot
209 # route 'foreign' pc26s
211 if ($field[7] ne $main::mycall) {
212 $self->route($field[7], $line);
217 # if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
218 if (grep $field[7] =~ /^$_/, @DXProt::nodx_node) {
219 dbg('chan', "Bad DXNode, dropped");
223 # convert the date to a unix date
224 my $d = cltounix($field[3], $field[4]);
225 # bang out (and don't pass on) if date is invalid or the spot is too old (or too young)
226 if (!$d || ($pcno == 11 && ($d < $main::systime - $pc11_max_age || $d > $main::systime + 900))) {
227 dbg('chan', "Spot ignored, invalid date or out of range ($field[3] $field[4])\n");
231 # strip off the leading & trailing spaces from the comment
232 my $text = unpad($field[5]);
235 my $spotter = $field[6];
236 $spotter =~ s/-[\@\d]+$//o; # strip off the ssid from the spotter
239 my $freq = $field[1] - 0;
240 my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$text$spotter";
241 if ($spotdup{$dupkey}) {
242 dbg('chan', "Duplicate Spot ignored\n");
246 $spotdup{$dupkey} = $d;
249 if (grep $field[2] eq $_, @baddx) {
250 dbg('chan', "Bad DX spot, ignored");
254 # are any of the crucial fields invalid?
255 if ($field[2] =~ /[a-z]/ || $field[6] =~ /[a-z]/ || $field[7] =~ /[a-z]/) {
256 dbg('chan', "Spot contains lower case callsigns, rejected");
260 my @spot = Spot::add($freq, $field[2], $d, $text, $spotter, $field[7]);
263 # @spot at this point contains:-
264 # freq, spotted call, time, text, spotter, spotted cc, spotters cc, orig node
265 # then spotted itu, spotted cq, spotters itu, spotters cq
266 # you should be able to route on any of these
272 $r = Local::spot($self, @spot);
274 # dbg('local', "Local::spot1 error $@") if $@;
277 # DON'T be silly and send on PC26s!
278 return if $pcno == 26;
280 # send out the filtered spots
281 send_dx_spot($self, $line, @spot) if @spot;
285 if ($pcno == 12) { # announces
286 # announce duplicate checking
287 my $text = substr(uc unpad($field[3]), 0, $pc12_dup_lth);
288 my $dupkey = $field[1].$field[2].$text;
289 if ($anndup{$dupkey}) {
290 dbg('chan', "Duplicate Announce ignored\n");
293 $anndup{$dupkey} = $main::systime;
295 if ($field[2] eq '*' || $field[2] eq $main::mycall) {
297 # global ann filtering on INPUT
298 if ($self->{inannfilter}) {
299 my ($filter, $hops) = Filter::it($self->{inannfilter}, @field[1..6], $self->{call} );
301 dbg('chan', "Rejected by filter");
307 $self->send_announce($line, @field[1..6]);
309 if ($decode_dk0wcy && $field[1] eq $decode_dk0wcy) {
310 my ($hour, $k, $next, $a, $r, $sfi, $alarm) = $field[3] =~ /^Aurora Beacon\s+(\d+)UTC,\s+Kiel\s+K=(\d+),.*ed\s+K=(\d+),\s+A=(\d+),\s+R=(\d+),\s+SFI=(\d+),.*larm:\s+(\w+)/;
311 $alarm = ($alarm =~ /^Y/i) ? ', Aurora in DE' : '';
312 my $wwv = Geomag::update($main::systime, $hour, $sfi, $a, $k, "R=$r, Next K=$next$alarm", $decode_dk0wcy, $field[5], $r) if $sfi && $r;
316 $self->route($field[2], $line);
332 if ($pcno == 16) { # add a user
333 my $node = DXCluster->get_exact($field[1]);
335 if (!$node && ($dxchan = DXChannel->get($field[1]))) {
336 # add it to the node table if it isn't present and it's
338 $node = DXNode->new($dxchan, $field[1], 0, 1, 5400);
339 broadcast_ak1a(pc19($dxchan, $node), $dxchan, $self) unless $dxchan->{isolate};
342 return unless $node; # ignore if havn't seen a PC19 for this one yet
343 return unless $node->isa('DXNode');
344 if ($node->dxchan != $self) {
345 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $field[1] came in on wrong channel");
348 if (($dxchan = DXChannel->get($field[1])) && $dxchan != $self) {
349 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $field[1] connected locally");
354 for ($i = 2; $i < $#field; $i++) {
355 my ($call, $confmode, $here) = $field[$i] =~ /^(\S+) (\S) (\d)/o;
356 next if !$call || length $call < 3 || length $call > 8;
359 next if DXCluster->get_exact($call); # we already have this (loop?)
361 $confmode = $confmode eq '*';
362 DXNodeuser->new($self, $node, $call, $confmode, $here);
364 # add this station to the user database, if required
365 $call =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove ssid for users
366 my $user = DXUser->get_current($call);
367 $user = DXUser->new($call) if !$user;
368 $user->homenode($node->call) if !$user->homenode;
369 $user->node($node->call);
370 $user->lastin($main::systime) unless DXChannel->get($call);
374 # queue up any messages (look for privates only)
375 DXMsg::queue_msg(1) if $self->state eq 'normal';
379 if ($pcno == 17) { # remove a user
380 my $node = DXCluster->get_exact($field[2]);
382 if (!$node && ($dxchan = DXChannel->get($field[2]))) {
383 # add it to the node table if it isn't present and it's
385 $node = DXNode->new($dxchan, $field[2], 0, 1, 5400);
386 broadcast_ak1a(pc19($dxchan, $node), $dxchan, $self) unless $dxchan->{isolate};
390 return unless $node->isa('DXNode');
391 if ($node->dxchan != $self) {
392 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $field[2] came in on wrong channel");
395 if (($dxchan = DXChannel->get($field[2])) && $dxchan != $self) {
396 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $field[2] connected locally");
399 my $ref = DXCluster->get_exact($field[1]);
404 if ($pcno == 18) { # link request
405 $self->state('init');
407 # first clear out any nodes on this dxchannel
408 my @gonenodes = map { $_->dxchan == $self ? $_ : () } DXNode::get_all();
409 foreach my $node (@gonenodes) {
410 next if $node->dxchan == $DXProt::me;
411 broadcast_ak1a(pc21($node->call, 'Gone, re-init') , $self) unless $self->{isolate};
414 $self->send_local_config();
416 return; # we don't pass these on
419 if ($pcno == 19) { # incoming cluster list
421 my $newline = "PC19^";
422 for ($i = 1; $i < $#field-1; $i += 4) {
423 my $here = $field[$i];
424 my $call = uc $field[$i+1];
425 my $confmode = $field[$i+2];
426 my $ver = $field[$i+3];
428 $ver = 5400 if !$ver && $allowzero;
430 # now check the call over
431 my $node = DXCluster->get_exact($call);
434 if (($dxchan = DXChannel->get($call)) && $dxchan != $self) {
435 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $call connected locally");
437 if ($node->dxchan != $self) {
438 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $call come in on wrong channel");
441 dbg('chan', "already have $call");
445 # check for sane parameters
446 next if $ver < 5000; # only works with version 5 software
447 next if length $call < 3; # min 3 letter callsigns
449 # add it to the nodes table and outgoing line
450 $newline .= "$here^$call^$confmode^$ver^";
451 DXNode->new($self, $call, $confmode, $here, $ver);
453 # unbusy and stop and outgoing mail (ie if somehow we receive another PC19 without a disconnect)
454 my $mref = DXMsg::get_busy($call);
455 $mref->stop_msg($call) if $mref;
457 # add this station to the user database, if required (don't remove SSID from nodes)
458 my $user = DXUser->get_current($call);
460 $user = DXUser->new($call);
462 $user->priv(1); # I have relented and defaulted nodes
463 $self->{priv} = 1; # to user RCMDs allowed
464 $user->homenode($call);
467 $user->lastin($main::systime) unless DXChannel->get($call);
471 return if $newline eq "PC19^";
474 $newline .= get_hops(19) . "^";
479 if ($pcno == 20) { # send local configuration
480 $self->send_local_config();
482 $self->state('normal');
486 if ($pcno == 21) { # delete a cluster from the list
487 my $call = uc $field[1];
488 if ($call ne $main::mycall) { # don't allow malicious buggers to disconnect me!
489 my $node = DXCluster->get_exact($call);
491 if ($node->dxchan != $self) {
492 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $call come in on wrong channel");
496 if (($dxchan = DXChannel->get($call)) && $dxchan != $self) {
497 dbg('chan', "LOOP: $call connected locally");
502 dbg('chan', "$call not in table, dropped");
510 $self->state('normal');
514 if ($pcno == 23 || $pcno == 27) { # WWV info
516 # route 'foreign' pc27s
518 if ($field[8] ne $main::mycall) {
519 $self->route($field[8], $line);
525 my $d = cltounix($field[1], sprintf("%02d18Z", $field[2]));
526 my $sfi = unpad($field[3]);
527 my $k = unpad($field[4]);
528 my $i = unpad($field[5]);
529 my ($r) = $field[6] =~ /R=(\d+)/;
531 my $dupkey = "$d.$sfi$k$i";
532 if ($wwvdup{$dupkey}) {
533 dbg('chan', "Dup WWV Spot ignored\n");
536 if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $field[2] < 0 || $field[2] > 23) {
537 dbg('chan', "WWV Date ($field[1] $field[2]) out of range");
540 $wwvdup{$dupkey} = $d;
541 $field[6] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
543 my $wwv = Geomag::update($d, $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8], $r);
547 $rep = Local::wwv($self, $field[1], $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8], $r);
549 # dbg('local', "Local::wwv2 error $@") if $@;
552 # DON'T be silly and send on PC27s!
553 return if $pcno == 27;
555 # broadcast to the eager world
556 send_wwv_spot($self, $line, $d, $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8]);
560 if ($pcno == 24) { # set here status
561 my $call = uc $field[1];
562 my $ref = DXCluster->get_exact($call);
563 $ref->here($field[2]) if $ref;
567 if ($pcno == 25) { # merge request
568 if ($field[1] ne $main::mycall) {
569 $self->route($field[1], $line);
572 if ($field[2] eq $main::mycall) {
573 dbg('chan', "Trying to merge to myself, ignored");
577 Log('DXProt', "Merge request for $field[3] spots and $field[4] WWV from $field[1]");
581 my @in = reverse Spot::search(1, undef, undef, 0, $field[3]);
584 $self->send(pc26(@{$in}[0..4], $field[2]));
590 my @in = reverse Geomag::search(0, $field[4], time, 1);
593 $self->send(pc27(@{$in}[0..5], $field[2]));
599 if (($pcno >= 28 && $pcno <= 33) || $pcno == 40 || $pcno == 42 || $pcno == 49) { # mail/file handling
600 if ($pcno == 49 || $field[1] eq $main::mycall) {
601 DXMsg::process($self, $line);
603 $self->route($field[1], $line);
608 if ($pcno == 34 || $pcno == 36) { # remote commands (incoming)
609 if ($field[1] eq $main::mycall) {
610 my $ref = DXUser->get_current($field[2]);
611 my $cref = DXCluster->get($field[2]);
612 Log('rcmd', 'in', $ref->{priv}, $field[2], $field[3]);
613 unless ($field[3] =~ /rcmd/i || !$cref || !$ref || $cref->mynode->call ne $ref->homenode) { # not allowed to relay RCMDS!
614 if ($ref->{priv}) { # you have to have SOME privilege, the commands have further filtering
615 $self->{remotecmd} = 1; # for the benefit of any command that needs to know
616 my $oldpriv = $self->{priv};
617 $self->{priv} = $ref->{priv}; # assume the user's privilege level
618 my @in = (DXCommandmode::run_cmd($self, $field[3]));
619 $self->{priv} = $oldpriv;
622 $self->send(pc35($main::mycall, $field[2], "$main::mycall:$_"));
623 Log('rcmd', 'out', $field[2], $_);
625 delete $self->{remotecmd};
627 $self->send(pc35($main::mycall, $field[2], "$main::mycall:sorry...!"));
630 $self->send(pc35($main::mycall, $field[2], "$main::mycall:your attempt is logged, Tut tut tut...!"));
633 $self->route($field[1], $line);
638 if ($pcno == 35) { # remote command replies
639 if ($field[1] eq $main::mycall) {
640 my $s = $rcmds{$field[2]};
642 my $dxchan = DXChannel->get($s->{call});
643 $dxchan->send($field[3]) if $dxchan;
644 delete $rcmds{$field[2]} if !$dxchan;
647 $self->route($field[1], $line);
652 # for pc 37 see 44 onwards
654 if ($pcno == 38) { # node connected list from neighbour
658 if ($pcno == 39) { # incoming disconnect
663 if ($pcno == 41) { # user info
664 # add this station to the user database, if required
665 my $user = DXUser->get_current($field[1]);
667 # then try without an SSID
668 $field[1] =~ s/-\d+$//o;
669 $user = DXUser->get_current($field[1]);
671 $user = DXUser->new($field[1]) if !$user;
673 if ($field[2] == 1) {
674 $user->name($field[3]);
675 } elsif ($field[2] == 2) {
676 $user->qth($field[3]);
677 } elsif ($field[2] == 3) {
678 my ($lat, $long) = DXBearing::stoll($field[3]);
681 } elsif ($field[2] == 4) {
682 $user->homenode($field[3]);
690 if ($pcno == 37 || $pcno == 44 || $pcno == 45 || $pcno == 46 || $pcno == 47) {
691 DXDb::process($self, $line);
695 if ($pcno == 50) { # keep alive/user list
696 my $node = DXCluster->get_exact($field[1]);
698 return unless $node->isa('DXNode');
699 return unless $node->dxchan == $self;
700 $node->update_users($field[2]);
705 if ($pcno == 51) { # incoming ping requests/answers
708 if ($field[1] eq $main::mycall) {
709 my $flag = $field[3];
711 $self->send(pc51($field[2], $field[1], '0'));
713 # it's a reply, look in the ping list for this one
714 my $ref = $pings{$field[2]};
716 my $tochan = DXChannel->get($field[2]);
719 my $dxchan = DXChannel->get($r->{call});
721 my $t = tv_interval($r->{t}, [ gettimeofday ]);
722 if ($dxchan->is_user) {
723 my $s = sprintf "%.2f", $t;
724 my $ave = sprintf "%.2f", $tochan ? ($tochan->pingave || $t) : $t;
725 $dxchan->send($dxchan->msg('pingi', $field[2], $s, $ave))
726 } elsif ($dxchan->is_ak1a) {
728 $tochan->nopings(3); # pump up the timer
729 push @{$tochan->pingtime}, $t;
730 shift @{$tochan->pingtime} if @{$tochan->pingtime} > 6;
732 for (@{$tochan->pingtime}) {
735 $tochan->{pingave} = $st / @{$tochan->pingtime};
742 # route down an appropriate thingy
743 $self->route($field[1], $line);
749 # if get here then rebroadcast the thing with its Hop count decremented (if
750 # there is one). If it has a hop count and it decrements to zero then don't
753 # NOTE - don't arrive here UNLESS YOU WANT this lump of protocol to be
757 unless ($self->{isolate}) {
758 broadcast_ak1a($line, $self); # send it to everyone but me
763 # This is called from inside the main cluster processing loop and is used
764 # for despatching commands that are doing some long processing job
769 my @dxchan = DXChannel->get_all();
772 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
773 next unless $dxchan->is_ak1a();
774 next if $dxchan == $me;
776 # send a pc50 out on this channel
777 if ($t >= $dxchan->pc50_t + $DXProt::pc50_interval) {
778 $dxchan->send(pc50());
782 # send a ping out on this channel
783 if ($dxchan->pingint && $t >= $dxchan->pingint + $dxchan->lastping) {
784 if ($dxchan->nopings <= 0) {
787 addping($main::mycall, $dxchan->call);
788 $dxchan->nopings($dxchan->nopings - 1);
789 $dxchan->lastping($t);
797 if ($main::systime - 3600 > $last_hour) {
798 $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc11_dup_age;
799 while (($key, $val) = each %spotdup) {
800 delete $spotdup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
802 $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc23_dup_age;
803 while (($key, $val) = each %wwvdup) {
804 delete $wwvdup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
806 $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc12_dup_age;
807 while (($key, $val) = each %anndup) {
808 delete $anndup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
810 $last_hour = $main::systime;
815 # finish up a pc context
820 my $call = $self->call;
822 my $ref = DXCluster->get_exact($call);
824 $self->send_now("D", DXProt::pc39($main::mycall, $self->msg('disc1', "System Op"))) unless $nopc39;
826 # unbusy and stop and outgoing mail
827 my $mref = DXMsg::get_busy($call);
828 $mref->stop_msg($call) if $mref;
830 # broadcast to all other nodes that all the nodes connected to via me are gone
831 my @gonenodes = map { $_->dxchan == $self ? $_ : () } DXNode::get_all();
834 foreach $node (@gonenodes) {
835 next if $node->call eq $call;
836 broadcast_ak1a(pc21($node->call, 'Gone') , $self) unless $self->{isolate};
840 # remove outstanding pings
841 delete $pings{$call};
843 # now broadcast to all other ak1a nodes that I have gone
844 broadcast_ak1a(pc21($call, 'Gone.'), $self) unless $self->{isolate};
846 # send info to all logged in thingies
847 $self->tell_login('logoutn');
849 Log('DXProt', $call . " Disconnected");
854 # some active measures
860 my @dxchan = DXChannel->get_all();
863 # send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
864 # taking into account filtering and so on
865 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
869 if ($dxchan->{spotfilter}) {
870 ($filter, $hops) = Filter::it($dxchan->{spotfilter}, @_, $self->{call} );
874 if ($dxchan->is_ak1a) {
875 next if $dxchan == $self;
878 $routeit =~ s/\^H\d+\^\~$/\^H$hops\^\~/;
880 $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $line); # adjust its hop count by node name
881 next unless $routeit;
884 $dxchan->send($routeit) if $routeit;
886 $dxchan->send($routeit) unless $dxchan->{isolate} || $self->{isolate};
888 } elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{dx}) {
889 my $buf = Spot::formatb($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]);
890 $buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
891 if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
894 $dxchan->delay($buf);
904 my @dxchan = DXChannel->get_all();
907 # send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
908 # taking into account filtering and so on
909 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
913 if ($dxchan->{spotfilter}) {
914 ($filter, $hops) = Filter::it($dxchan->{wwvfilter}, @_, $self->{call} );
917 if ($dxchan->is_ak1a) {
918 next if $dxchan == $self;
921 $routeit =~ s/\^H\d+\^\~$/\^H$hops\^\~/;
923 $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $line); # adjust its hop count by node name
924 next unless $routeit;
927 $dxchan->send($routeit) if $routeit;
929 $dxchan->send($routeit) unless $dxchan->{isolate} || $self->{isolate};
932 } elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{wwv}) {
933 my $buf = "WWV de $_[6] <$_[1]>: SFI=$_[2], A=$_[3], K=$_[4], $_[5]";
934 $buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
935 if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
938 $dxchan->delay($buf);
949 my @dxchan = DXChannel->get_all();
951 my $text = unpad($_[2]);
955 if ($_[3] eq '*') { # sysops
957 } elsif ($_[3] gt ' ') { # speciality list handling
958 my ($name) = split /\./, $_[3];
959 $target = "$name"; # put the rest in later (if bothered)
966 $target = "All" if !$target;
968 Log('ann', $target, $_[0], $text);
970 # send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
971 # taking into account filtering and so on
972 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
976 if ($dxchan->{annfilter}) {
977 ($filter, $hops) = Filter::it($dxchan->{annfilter}, @_, $self->{call} );
980 if ($dxchan->is_ak1a && $_[1] ne $main::mycall) { # i.e not specifically routed to me
981 next if $dxchan == $self;
984 $routeit =~ s/\^H\d+\^\~$/\^H$hops\^\~/;
986 $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $line); # adjust its hop count by node name
987 next unless $routeit;
990 $dxchan->send($routeit) if $routeit;
992 $dxchan->send($routeit) unless $dxchan->{isolate} || $self->{isolate};
995 } elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{ann}) {
996 next if $target eq 'SYSOP' && $dxchan->{priv} < 5;
997 my $buf = "$to$target de $_[0]: $text";
998 $buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
999 if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
1000 $dxchan->send($buf);
1002 $dxchan->delay($buf);
1008 sub send_local_config
1017 if ($self->{isolate}) {
1018 @localnodes = (DXCluster->get_exact($main::mycall));
1020 # create a list of all the nodes that are not connected to this connection
1021 # and are not themselves isolated, this to make sure that isolated nodes
1022 # don't appear outside of this node
1023 @nodes = DXNode::get_all();
1024 @nodes = grep { $_->{call} ne $main::mycall } @nodes;
1025 @nodes = grep { $_->dxchan != $self } @nodes if @nodes;
1026 @nodes = grep { !$_->dxchan->{isolate} } @nodes if @nodes;
1027 @localnodes = grep { $_->dxchan->{call} eq $_->{call} } @nodes if @nodes;
1028 unshift @localnodes, DXCluster->get_exact($main::mycall);
1029 @remotenodes = grep { $_->dxchan->{call} ne $_->{call} } @nodes if @nodes;
1032 my @s = $me->pc19(@localnodes, @remotenodes);
1034 my $routeit = adjust_hops($self, $_);
1035 $self->send($routeit) if $routeit;
1038 # get all the users connected on the above nodes and send them out
1039 foreach $n (@localnodes, @remotenodes) {
1040 my @users = values %{$n->list};
1041 my @s = pc16($n, @users);
1043 my $routeit = adjust_hops($self, $_);
1044 $self->send($routeit) if $routeit;
1050 # route a message down an appropriate interface for a callsign
1052 # is called route(to, pcline);
1056 my ($self, $call, $line) = @_;
1057 my $cl = DXCluster->get_exact($call);
1058 if ($cl) { # don't route it back down itself
1059 if (ref $self && $call eq $self->{call}) {
1060 dbg('chan', "Trying to route back to source, dropped");
1064 my $dxchan = $cl->{dxchan};
1066 my $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $line); # adjust its hop count by node name
1068 $dxchan->send($routeit) if $dxchan;
1074 # broadcast a message to all clusters taking into account isolation
1075 # [except those mentioned after buffer]
1078 my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
1079 my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
1080 my @dxchan = DXChannel::get_all_ak1a();
1083 # send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
1084 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
1085 next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
1086 my $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $s); # adjust its hop count by node name
1087 $dxchan->send($routeit) unless $dxchan->{isolate} || !$routeit;
1091 # broadcast a message to all clusters ignoring isolation
1092 # [except those mentioned after buffer]
1093 sub broadcast_all_ak1a
1095 my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
1096 my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
1097 my @dxchan = DXChannel::get_all_ak1a();
1100 # send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
1101 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
1102 next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
1103 my $routeit = adjust_hops($dxchan, $s); # adjust its hop count by node name
1104 $dxchan->send($routeit);
1108 # broadcast to all users
1109 # storing the spot or whatever until it is in a state to receive it
1112 my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
1113 my $sort = shift; # the type of transmission
1114 my $fref = shift; # a reference to an object to filter on
1115 my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
1116 my @dxchan = DXChannel::get_all_users();
1120 foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
1121 next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
1124 broadcast_list($s, $sort, $fref, @out);
1127 # broadcast to a list of users
1135 foreach $dxchan (@_) {
1138 if ($sort eq 'dx') {
1139 next unless $dxchan->{dx};
1140 ($filter) = Filter::it($dxchan->{spotfilter}, @{$fref}) if ref $fref;
1141 next unless $filter;
1143 next if $sort eq 'ann' && !$dxchan->{ann};
1144 next if $sort eq 'wwv' && !$dxchan->{wwv};
1145 next if $sort eq 'wx' && !$dxchan->{wx};
1147 $s =~ s/\a//og unless $dxchan->{beep};
1149 if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
1159 # obtain the hops from the list for this callsign and pc no
1165 my $hops = $DXProt::hopcount{$pcno};
1166 $hops = $DXProt::def_hopcount if !$hops;
1171 # adjust the hop count on a per node basis using the user loadable
1172 # hop table if available or else decrement an existing one
1179 my $call = $self->{call};
1182 if (($hops) = $s =~ /\^H(\d+)\^~?$/o) {
1183 my ($pcno) = $s =~ /^PC(\d\d)/o;
1184 confess "$call called adjust_hops with '$s'" unless $pcno;
1185 my $ref = $nodehops{$call} if %nodehops;
1187 my $newhops = $ref->{$pcno};
1188 return "" if defined $newhops && $newhops == 0;
1189 $newhops = $ref->{default} unless $newhops;
1190 return "" if defined $newhops && $newhops == 0;
1191 $newhops = $hops if !$newhops;
1192 $s =~ s/\^H(\d+)(\^~?)$/\^H$newhops$2/ if $newhops;
1194 # simply decrement it
1196 return "" if !$hops;
1197 $s =~ s/\^H(\d+)(\^~?)$/\^H$hops$2/ if $hops;
1209 return $self->msg('lh1') unless -e "$main::data/hop_table.pl";
1210 do "$main::data/hop_table.pl";
1215 # remove leading and trailing spaces from an input string
1219 $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
1223 # add a ping request to the ping queues
1226 my ($from, $to) = @_;
1227 my $ref = $pings{$to} || [];
1230 $r->{t} = [ gettimeofday ];
1231 route(undef, $to, pc51($to, $main::mycall, 1));
1236 # add a rcmd request to the rcmd queues
1239 my ($from, $to, $cmd) = @_;
1242 $r->{t} = $main::systime;
1244 route(undef, $to, pc34($main::mycall, $to, $cmd));