+# this is the file which defines all the bands that are allowed in the system
+# each entry can contain an arbitrary no of entries.
+# an entry can have an arbitrary no of PAIRS of frequencies,
+# these pairs attach themselves to the labels you provide, they are
+# independant of any other pair, they can overlap, cross etc.
+# There MUST be at last a 'band' entry
+# It is up to YOU to make sure that it makes sense!
+%bands = (
+ '160m' => bless( { band => [ 1800, 2000 ],
+ cw => [ 1800, 1830 ],
+ rtty => [ 1838, 1841 ],
+ ssb => [ 1831, 2000]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '80m' => bless( { band => [ 3500, 4000 ],
+ cw => [ 3500, 3600 ],
+ data => [ 3590, 3600 ],
+ sstv => [ 3730, 3740 ],
+ ssb => [ 3601, 4000 ]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '40m' => bless( { band => [ 7000, 7400 ],
+ cw => [ 7000, 7050 ],
+ cw => [ 7000, 7050 ],
+ ssb => [ 7051, 7400 ]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '30m' => bless( { band => [ 10100, 10150 ],
+ cw => [ 10000, 10140 ],
+ data => [ 10141, 10150 ]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '20m' => bless( { band => [ 14000, 14350 ],
+ cw => [ 14000, 14100 ],
+ ssb => [ 14101, 14350 ],
+ beacon => [ 14099, 14100 ],
+ sstv => [ 14225, 14235 ],
+ data => [ 14070, 14098, 14101, 14111 ],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '18m' => bless( { band => [ 18068, 18168 ],
+ cw => [ 18068, 18100 ],
+ ssb => [ 18111, 18168 ],
+ data => [ 18101, 18108],
+ beacon => [ 18109, 18110]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '15m' => bless( { band => [ 21000, 21450 ],
+ cw => [ 21000, 21150 ],
+ data => [ 21100, 21120 ],
+ ssb => [ 21151, 21450]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '12m' => bless( { band => [ 21000, 21450 ],
+ cw => [ 21000, 21150 ],
+ data => [ 21100, 21120 ],
+ ssb => [ 21151, 21450]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '10m' => bless( { band => [ 28000, 29700 ],
+ cw => [ 28000, 28198 ],
+ data => [ 28120, 28150, 29200, 29300 ],
+ space => [ 29200, 29300 ],
+ ssb => [ 28201, 29299, 29550, 29700]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '6m' => bless( { band => [50000, 52000],
+ cw => [50000, 50100],
+ ssb => [50100, 50500],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '4m' => bless( { band => [70000, 70500],
+ cw => [70030, 70250],
+ ssb => [70030, 70250],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '2m' => bless( { band => [144000, 148000],
+ cw => [144000, 144150],
+ ssb => [144150, 144500]
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '70cm' => bless( { band => [430000, 450000],
+ cw => [432000, 432150],
+ ssb => [432150, 432500],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '23cm' => bless( { band => [ 1240000, 1325000],
+ cw => [1296000, 1296150],
+ ssb => [1296150, 1296800],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '13cm' => bless( { band => [2310000, 2450000],
+ cw => [2320100, 2320150],
+ ssb => [2320150, 2320800],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '9cm' => bless( { band => [3400000, 3475000],
+ cw => [3400000, 3402000],
+ ssb => [3400000, 3402000],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '6cm' => bless( { band => [5650000, 5850000],
+ cw => [5668000, 5670000, 5760000, 5762000],
+ ssb => [5668000, 5670000, 5760000, 5762000],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '3cm' => bless( { band => [10000000, 10500000],
+ cw => [10368000,10370000, 10450000, 10452000],
+ ssb => [10368000,10370000, 10450000, 10452000],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '12mm' => bless( { band => [24000000, 24250000],
+ cw => [24048000, 24050000],
+ ssb => [24048000, 24050000],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+ '6mm' => bless( { band => [47000000, 47200000],
+ cw => [47087000, 47089000],
+ ssb => [47087000, 47089000],
+ }, 'Bands'),
+# the list of regions
+# this list is so that users can say 'vhf/ssb' instead of '6m/ssb, 4m/sbb, 2m/ssb'
+# just shortcuts really
+# DO make sure that the label exists in %bands!
+%regions = (
+ hf => [ '160m', '80m', '40m', '30m', '20m', '17m', '15m', '12m', '10m' ],
+ vhf => [ '6m', '4m', '2m', '70cm' ],
+ uhf => [ '70cm', '23cm' ],
+ shf => [ '23cm', '13cm', '9cm', '6cm', '3cm' ],