- push @lines, gen_my_pc92_config($main::routeroot);
-# if ($with_pc92_nodes) {
- # send out the configuration of all the directly connected PC92 nodes with current configuration
- # but with the dates that the last config came in with.
-# @dxchan = grep { $_->call ne $main::mycall && $_ != $self && !$_->{isolate} && $_->{do_pc9x} } DXChannel::get_all_nodes();
-# dbg("ROUTE: pc92 dxchan: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @dxchan)) if isdbg('routelow');
-# @localnodes = map { my $r = Route::Node::get($_->{call}); $r ? $r : () } @dxchan;
-# dbg("ROUTE: pc92 localnodes: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @localnodes)) if isdbg('routelow');
-# foreach $node (@localnodes) {
-# if ($node && $node->lastid->{92}) {
-# my @rout = map {my $r = Route::get($_); $r ? ($r) : ()} $node->nodes, $node->users;
-# push @lines, gen_pc92_with_time($node->call, 'C', $node->lastid->{92}, @rout);
-# }
-# }
-# }
- # send the configuration of all the directly connected 'external' nodes that don't handle PC92
- # out with the 'external' marker on the first node.
-# @dxchan = grep { $_->call ne $main::mycall && $_ != $self && !$_->{isolate} && !$_->{do_pc9x} } DXChannel::get_all_nodes();
-# dbg("ROUTE: non pc92 dxchan: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @dxchan)) if isdbg('routelow');
-# @localnodes = map { my $r = Route::Node::get($_->{call}); $r ? $r : () } @dxchan;
-# dbg("ROUTE: non pc92 localnodes: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @localnodes)) if isdbg('routelow');
-# foreach $node (@localnodes) {
-# if ($node) {
-# push @lines, gen_my_pc92_config($node);
-# }
-# }
- dbg('ROUTE: DXProt::gen_pc92_update end with ' . scalar @lines . ' lines') if isdbg('routelow');
- return @lines;