dbg("This will take a while, I suggest you go and have cup of strong tea");
my $odbm = tie (%oldu, 'DB_File', localdata("users.v2"), O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_BTREE) or confess "can't open user file: $fn.v2 ($!) [rebuild it from user_asc?]";
for ($action = R_FIRST; !$odbm->seq($key, $val, $action); $action = R_NEXT) {
- my $ref = asc_decode($val);
- if ($ref) {
- $ref->put;
- $count++;
+ my $ref;
+ eval { $ref = asc_decode($val) };
+ unless ($@) {
+ if ($ref) {
+ $ref->put;
+ $count++;
+ } else {
+ $err++
+ }
} else {
- $err++
+ Log('err', "DXUser: error decoding $@");
undef $odbm;
# search for it
unless ($dbm->get($call, $data)) {
- $ref = decode($data);
+ eval { $ref = decode($data); };
if ($ref) {
if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'DXUser')) {
dbg("DXUser::get: got strange answer from decode of $call". ref $ref. " ignoring");
# we have a reference and it *is* a DXUser
} else {
- dbg("DXUser::get: no reference returned from decode of $call $!");
+ if ($@) {
+ LogDbg('err', "DXUser::get decode error on $call '$@'");
+ } else {
+ dbg("DXUser::get: no reference returned from decode of $call $!");
+ }
return undef;
$lru->put($call, $ref);
sub decode
goto &asc_decode unless $v3;
- return thaw(shift);
+ my $ref;
+ $ref = thaw(shift);
+ return $ref;
$s =~ s/\%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
eval '$ref = ' . $s;
if ($@) {
- LogDbg('err', $@);
+ LogDbg('err', "DXUser::asc_decode: on '$s' $@");
$ref = undef;
return $ref;
- my $ref = decode($val);
+ my $ref;
+ eval {$ref = decode($val); };
if ($ref) {
my $t = $ref->{lastin} || 0;
if ($ref->is_user && !$ref->{priv} && $main::systime > $t + $tooold) {
print $fh "$key\t" . $ref->asc_encode($basic_info_only) . "\n";
} else {
- LogDbg('DXCommand', "Export Error3: $key\t$val");
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "Export Error3: $key\t" . carp($val) ."\n$@");
eval {$dbm->del($key)};
dbg(carp("Export Error3: $key\t$val\n$@")) if $@;