+1. Fix dx command <cough>. "I never changed that bit". If I had this would
+ never have happened.
1. Set default Spot qrg granularity to 1KHz (was 25KHz).
2. Refine Incoming CCLuster connection handling. It is a requirement that a
# Store it here (but only if it isn't baddx)
my $t = (int ($main::systime/60)) * 60;
-return (1, $self->msg('dup')) if Spot::dup($freq, $spotted, $t, $line, $spotter, $main::mycall);
+return (1, $self->msg('dup')) if Spot::dup_find($freq, $spotted, $t, $line, $spotter, $main::mycall);
my @spot = Spot::prepare($freq, $spotted, $t, $line, $spotter, $main::mycall, $ipaddr);
#$DB::single = 1;
if ($dxchan->{isslugged} && $main::systime > $dxchan->{isslugged}) {
foreach my $ref (@{$dxchan->{sluggedpcs}}) {
if ($ref->[0] == 61) {
- Spot::add(@{$ref->[2]});
- DXProt::send_dx_spot($dxchan, $ref->[1], @{$ref->[2]});
+ unless (Spot::dup_find(@{$ref->[2]})) {
+ Spot::dup_add(@{$ref->[2]});
+ DXProt::send_dx_spot($dxchan, $ref->[1], @{$ref->[2]});
+ } else {
+ dbg("DXCommand: process slugged spot $ref->[1] is a dupe, ignored" );
+ }
# remove SSID or area
$by =~ s|[-/]\d+$||;
-# $freq = sprintf "%.1f", $freq; # normalise frequency
- $freq = int $freq; # normalise frequency
+ $freq = sprintf "%.1f", $freq; # normalise frequency
+# $freq = int $freq; # normalise frequency
my $qrg = nearest($qrggranularity, $freq); # to the nearest however many hz