$allowzero $decode_dk0wcy);
$me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
-$decode_dk0wcy = undef; # if set use this callsign to decode announces from the EU WWV data beacon
$pc11_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc11
$pc23_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc23
# send it
$self->send_announce($line, @field[1..6]);
- if ($decode_dk0wcy && $field[1] eq $decode_dk0wcy) {
- my ($hour, $k, $next, $a, $r, $sfi, $alarm) = $field[3] =~ /^Aurora Beacon\s+(\d+)UTC,\s+Kiel\s+K=(\d+),.*ed\s+K=(\d+),\s+A=(\d+),\s+R=(\d+),\s+SFI=(\d+),.*larm:\s+(\w+)/;
- $alarm = ($alarm =~ /^Y/i) ? ', Aurora in DE' : '';
- my $wwv = Geomag::update($main::systime, $hour, $sfi, $a, $k, "R=$r, Next K=$next$alarm", $decode_dk0wcy, $field[5], $r) if $sfi && $r;
- }
} else {
$self->route($field[2], $line);