# firstly and OO about ninthly (if you don't like the design and you can't
# improve it with better OO and thus make it smaller and more efficient, then tough).
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2016 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
wcyfilter => '5,WCY Filt-out',
spotsfilter => '5,Spot Filt-out',
routefilter => '5,Route Filt-out',
+ rbnfilter => '5,RBN Filt-out',
pc92filter => '5,PC92 Route Filt-out',
inannfilter => '5,Ann Filt-inp',
inwwvfilter => '5,WWV Filt-inp',
inwcyfilter => '5,WCY Filt-inp',
inspotsfilter => '5,Spot Filt-inp',
inroutefilter => '5,Route Filt-inp',
+ inrbnfilter => '5,RBN Filt-inp',
inpc92filter => '5,PC92 Route Filt-inp',
passwd => '9,Passwd List,yesno',
pingint => '5,Ping Interval ',
inqueue => '9,Input Queue,parray',
next_pc92_update => '9,Next PC92 Update,atime',
next_pc92_keepalive => '9,Next PC92 KeepAlive,atime',
+ hostname => '0,Hostname',
+ isslugged => '9,Still Slugged,yesno',
+ sluggedpcs => '9,Slugged PCxx Queue,parray',
$maxerrors = 20; # the maximum number of concurrent errors allowed before disconnection
$self->{sort} = $user->sort;
$self->{width} = $user->width;
- $self->{startt} = $self->{t} = time;
+ $self->{startt} = $self->{t} = $main::systime;
$self->{state} = 0;
$self->{oldstate} = 0;
$self->{lang} = $main::lang if !$self->{lang};
$self->{func} = "";
$self->{width} ||= 80;
# add in all the dxcc, itu, zone info
my @dxcc = Prefix::extract($call);
if (@dxcc > 0) {
$self->{dxcc} = $dxcc[1]->dxcc;
$self->{itu} = $dxcc[1]->itu;
- $self->{cq} = $dxcc[1]->cq;
+ $self->{cq} = $dxcc[1]->cq;
$self->{inqueue} = [];
if (defined $msg) {
push @{$self->{inqueue}}, $msg;
+ $self->process_one;
# obtain a channel object by callsign [$obj = DXChannel::get($call)]
# is it a bbs
sub is_bbs
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'B';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'B';
sub is_node
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} =~ /[ACRSXW]/;
+ return $_[0]->{sort} =~ /^[ACRSX]$/;
# is it an ak1a node ?
sub is_ak1a
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'A';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'A';
# is it a user?
sub is_user
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'U';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} =~ /^[UW]$/;
# is it a clx node
sub is_clx
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'C';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'C';
-# it is Aranea
-sub is_aranea
+# it is a Web connected user
+sub is_web
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'W';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'W';
# is it a spider node
sub is_spider
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'S';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'S';
# is it a DXNet node
sub is_dxnet
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'X';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'X';
# is it a ar-cluster node
sub is_arcluster
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'sort'} eq 'R';
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'R';
+sub is_rbn
+ return $_[0]->{sort} eq 'N';
# for perl 5.004's benefit
sub sort
my $self = shift;
- return @_ ? $self->{'sort'} = shift : $self->{'sort'} ;
+ return @_ ? $self->{sort} = shift : $self->{sort} ;
# find out whether we are prepared to believe this callsign on this interface
my $self = shift;
my $user = $self->{user};
- $user->close() if defined $user;
+ $user->close($self->{startt}, $self->{hostname}) if defined $user;
$self->{conn}->disconnect if $self->{conn};
my $dxchan = shift;
my $data = shift;
- my ($sort, $call, $line) = $data =~ /^([A-Z])([A-Z0-9\-]{3,9})\|(.*)$/;
+ my ($sort, $call, $line) = $data =~ /^([A-Z])(#?[A-Z0-9\/\-]{3,25})\|(.*)$/;
my $chcall = (ref $dxchan) ? $dxchan->call : "UN.KNOWN";
if ($sort eq 'dx') {
next unless $dxchan->{dx};
- ($filter) = $dxchan->{spotsfilter}->it(@{$fref}) if ref $fref;
+ ($filter) = $dxchan->{spotsfilter}->it($fref) if $dxchan->{spotsfilter} && ref $fref;
next unless $filter;
next if $sort eq 'ann' && !$dxchan->{ann} && $s !~ /^To\s+LOCAL\s+de\s+(?:$main::myalias|$main::mycall)/i;
-sub process
+sub process_one
- foreach my $dxchan (get_all()) {
- next if $dxchan->{disconnecting};
+ my $self = shift;
+ while (my $data = shift @{$self->{inqueue}}) {
+ my ($sort, $call, $line) = $self->decode_input($data);
+ next unless defined $sort;
+ # do the really sexy console interface bit! (Who is going to do the TK interface then?)
+ dbg("<- $sort $call $line") if $sort ne 'D' && isdbg('chan');
- while (my $data = shift @{$dxchan->{inqueue}}) {
- my ($sort, $call, $line) = $dxchan->decode_input($data);
- next unless defined $sort;
- # do the really sexy console interface bit! (Who is going to do the TK interface then?)
- dbg("<- $sort $call $line") if $sort ne 'D' && isdbg('chan');
- # handle A records
- my $user = $dxchan->user;
- if ($sort eq 'A' || $sort eq 'O') {
- $dxchan->start($line, $sort);
- } elsif ($sort eq 'I') {
- die "\$user not defined for $call" if !defined $user;
+ # handle A records
+ my $user = $self->user;
+ if ($sort eq 'I') {
+ die "\$user not defined for $call" unless defined $user;
- # normal input
- $dxchan->normal($line);
- } elsif ($sort eq 'Z') {
- $dxchan->disconnect;
- } elsif ($sort eq 'D') {
- ; # ignored (an echo)
- } elsif ($sort eq 'C') {
- $dxchan->width($line); # change number of columns
- } elsif ($sort eq 'G') {
- $dxchan->enhanced($line);
- } else {
- print STDERR atime, " Unknown command letter ($sort) received from $call\n";
- }
+ # normal input
+ $self->normal($line);
+ } elsif ($sort eq 'G') {
+ $self->enhanced($line);
+ } elsif ($sort eq 'A' || $sort eq 'O' || $sort eq 'W') {
+ $self->start($line, $sort);
+ } elsif ($sort eq 'C') {
+ $self->width($line); # change number of columns
+ } elsif ($sort eq 'Z') {
+ $self->disconnect;
+ } elsif ($sort eq 'D') {
+ ; # ignored (an echo)
+ } else {
+ dbg atime . " DXChannel::process_one: Unknown command letter ($sort) received from $call\n";
+sub process
+ foreach my $dxchan (values %channels) {
+ next if $dxchan->{disconnecting};
+ $dxchan->process_one;
+ }
sub handle_xml
my $self = shift;
return $r;
-sub registered
+sub error_handler
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $error = shift || '';
+ dbg("$self->{call} ERROR '$error', closing") if isdbg('chan');
+ $self->{conn}->set_error(undef) if exists $self->{conn};
+ $self->disconnect(1);
+sub isregistered
my $self = shift;
# the sysop is registered!
- return 1 if $self->call eq $main::myalias || $self->call eq $main::mycall;
+ return 1 if $self->{call} eq $main::myalias || $self->{call} eq $main::mycall;
if ($main::reqreg) {
return $self->{registered};
use Script;
use DXProtHandle;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use strict;
use vars qw($pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $last_pc50 $eph_restime $eph_info_restime $eph_pc34_restime
sub check
my $n = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
$n -= 10;
return 0 if $n < 0 || $n > @checklist;
my $ref = $checklist[$n];
for ($i = 1; $i < @$ref; $i++) {
my ($blank, $act) = $$ref[$i] =~ /^(b?)(\w)$/;
return 0 unless $act;
- next if $blank eq 'b' && $_[$i] =~ /^[ \*]$/;
- next if $blank eq '*' && $_[$i] =~ /^\*$/;
+ next if $blank eq 'b' && $pc->[$i] =~ /^[ \*]$/;
+ next if $blank eq '*' && $pc->[$i] =~ /^\*$/;
if ($act eq 'c') {
- return $i unless is_callsign($_[$i]);
+ return $i unless is_callsign($pc->[$i]);
} elsif ($act eq 'i') {
; # do nothing
} elsif ($act eq 'm') {
- return $i unless is_pctext($_[$i]);
+ return $i unless is_pctext($pc->[$i]);
} elsif ($act eq 'p') {
- return $i unless is_pcflag($_[$i]);
+ return $i unless is_pcflag($pc->[$i]);
} elsif ($act eq 'f') {
- return $i unless is_freq($_[$i]);
+ return $i unless is_freq($pc->[$i]);
} elsif ($act eq 'n') {
- return $i unless $_[$i] =~ /^[\d ]+$/;
+ return $i unless $pc->[$i] =~ /^[\d ]+$/;
} elsif ($act eq 'h') {
- return $i unless $_[$i] =~ /^H\d\d?$/;
+ return $i unless $pc->[$i] =~ /^H\d\d?$/;
} elsif ($act eq 'd') {
- return $i unless $_[$i] =~ /^\s*\d+-\w\w\w-[12][90]\d\d$/;
+ return $i unless $pc->[$i] =~ /^\s*\d+-\w\w\w-[12][90]\d\d$/;
} elsif ($act eq 't') {
- return $i unless $_[$i] =~ /^[012]\d[012345]\dZ$/;
+ return $i unless $pc->[$i] =~ /^[012]\d[012345]\dZ$/;
} elsif ($act eq 'l') {
- return $i unless $_[$i] =~ /^[A-Z]$/;
+ return $i unless $pc->[$i] =~ /^[A-Z]$/;
} elsif ($act eq 'a') {
- return $i unless is_ipaddr($_[$i]);
+ return $i unless is_ipaddr($pc->[$i]);
return 0;
sub init
- do "$main::data/hop_table.pl" if -e "$main::data/hop_table.pl";
+ my $fn = localdata("hop_table.pl");
+ do $fn if -e $fn;
confess $@ if $@;
my $user = DXUser::get($main::mycall);
$main::me->{pingave} = 0;
$main::me->{registered} = 1;
$main::me->{version} = $main::version;
- $main::me->{build} = "$main::subversion.$main::build";
+ $main::me->{build} = $main::build;
$main::me->{do_pc9x} = 1;
+ $main::me->{hostname} = $main::clusteraddr;
my $host = $self->{conn}->peerhost;
$host ||= "AGW Port #$self->{conn}->{agwport}" if exists $self->{conn}->{agwport};
$host ||= "unknown";
+ $self->{hostname} = $host if is_ipaddr($host);
Log('DXProt', "$call connected from $host");
# check for and dump bad protocol messages
- my $n = check($pcno, @field);
+ my $n = check($pcno, \@field);
if ($n) {
dbg("PCPROT: bad field $n, dumped (" . parray($checklist[$pcno-10]) . ")") if isdbg('chanerr');
my $sub = "handle_$pcno";
if ($self->can($sub)) {
- $self->$sub($pcno, $line, $origin, @field);
+ $self->$sub($pcno, $line, $origin, \@field);
} else {
- $self->handle_default($pcno, $line, $origin, @field);
+ $self->handle_default($pcno, $line, $origin, \@field);
if ($main::systime - 3600 > $last_hour) {
$last_hour = $main::systime;
+ pc11_process();
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
next if $dxchan == $self && $self->is_node;
+ next if $dxchan == $self;
+ next if $dxchan->is_rbn;
if ($line =~ /PC61/ && !($dxchan->is_spider || $dxchan->is_user)) {
unless ($pc11) {
my @f = split /\^/, $line;
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
next if $dxchan == $self && $self->is_node;
+ next if $dxchan->is_rbn;
my $routeit;
my ($filter, $hops);
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
next if $dxchan == $self;
+ next if $dxchan->is_rbn;
$dxchan->wcy($line, $self->{isolate}, @_, $self->{call}, @dxcc);
next if $dxchan == $self && $self->is_node;
next if $from_pc9x && $dxchan->{do_pc9x};
next if $target eq 'LOCAL' && $dxchan->is_node;
+ next if $dxchan->is_rbn;
$dxchan->announce($line, $self->{isolate}, $to, $target, $text, @_, $self->{call},
@a[0..2], @b[0..2]);
next unless $dxchan->is_spider && $dxchan->do_pc9x;
next if $target eq 'LOCAL';
+ next if $dxchan->is_rbn;
$dxchan->chat($line, $self->{isolate}, $target, $_[1],
$text, @_, $self->{call}, @a[0..2], @b[0..2]);
my @remotenodes;
if ($self->{isolate}) {
- dbg("send_local_config: isolated");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: isolated");
@localnodes = ( $main::routeroot );
$self->send_route($main::mycall, \&pc19, 1, $main::routeroot);
} elsif ($self->{do_pc9x}) {
- dbg("send_local_config: doing pc9x");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: doing pc9x");
my $node = Route::Node::get($self->{call});
# $self->send_last_pc92_config($main::routeroot);
# $self->send(pc92a($main::routeroot, $node)) unless $main::routeroot->last_PC92C =~ /$self->{call}/;
# and are not themselves isolated, this to make sure that isolated nodes
# don't appear outside of this node
- dbg("send_local_config: traditional");
+ dbg("$self->{call} send_local_config: traditional");
# send locally connected nodes
my @dxchan = grep { $_->call ne $main::mycall && $_ != $self && !$_->{isolate} } DXChannel::get_all_nodes();
clear_pc92_changes(); # remove any slugged data, we are generating it as now
my @dxchan = grep { $_->call ne $main::mycall && !$_->{isolate} } DXChannel::get_all();
dbg("ROUTE: all dxchan: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @dxchan)) if isdbg('routelow');
- my @localnodes = map { my $r = Route::get($_->{call}); $r ? $r : () } @dxchan;
+ my @localnodes = map { my $r = Route::get($_->{call}); ($_->is_node || $_->is_user) && $r ? $r : () } @dxchan;
dbg("ROUTE: localnodes: " . join(',', map{$_->{call}} @localnodes)) if isdbg('routelow');
return pc92c($node, @localnodes);
} else {
sub process_rcmd
my ($self, $tonode, $fromnode, $user, $cmd) = @_;
if ($tonode eq $main::mycall) {
my $ref = DXUser::get_current($fromnode);
unless ($ref && UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'DXUser')) {
$self->send_rcmd_reply($main::mycall, $fromnode, $user, "sorry...!");
+ Log('rcmd', 'in', ($ref->{priv}||0), $fromnode, $cmd, $user);
my $cref = Route::Node::get($fromnode);
unless ($cref && UNIVERSAL::isa($cref, 'Route')) {
dbg("DXProt process_rcmd: Route $fromnode isn't a reference (tell G1TLH)");
$self->send_rcmd_reply($main::mycall, $fromnode, $user, "sorry...!");
- Log('rcmd', 'in', ($ref->{priv}||0), $fromnode, $cmd);
if ($cmd !~ /^\s*rcmd/i && $ref->homenode && $cref->call eq $ref->homenode) { # not allowed to relay RCMDS!
if ($ref->{priv}) { # you have to have SOME privilege, the commands have further filtering
$self->{remotecmd} = 1; # for the benefit of any command that needs to know
my $oldpriv = $self->{priv};
- $self->{priv} = $ref->{priv}; # assume the user's privilege level
+ $self->{priv} = 1; # set a maximum privilege
+ # park homenode and user for any spawned command that run_cmd may do.
+ $self->{_rcmd_user} = $user;
+ $self->{_rcmd_fromnode} = $fromnode;
my @in = (DXCommandmode::run_cmd($self, $cmd));
+ delete $self->{_rcmd_fromnode};
+ delete $self->{_rcmd_user};
$self->{priv} = $oldpriv;
$self->send_rcmd_reply($main::mycall, $fromnode, $user, @in);
delete $self->{remotecmd};
+sub send_rcmd_reply
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tonode = shift;
+ my $fromnode = shift;
+ my $user = shift;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $line = shift;
+ $line =~ s/\s*$//;
+ Log('rcmd', 'out', $fromnode, $line, $user);
+ if ($self->is_clx) {
+ $self->send(pc85($main::mycall, $fromnode, $user, "$main::mycall:$line"));
+ } else {
+ $self->send(pc35($main::mycall, $fromnode, "$main::mycall:$line"));
+ }
+ }
sub process_rcmd_reply
my ($self, $tonode, $fromnode, $user, $line) = @_;
-sub send_rcmd_reply
- my $self = shift;
- my $tonode = shift;
- my $fromnode = shift;
- my $user = shift;
- while (@_) {
- my $line = shift;
- $line =~ s/\s*$//;
- Log('rcmd', 'out', $fromnode, $line);
- if ($self->is_clx) {
- $self->send(pc85($main::mycall, $fromnode, $user, "$main::mycall:$line"));
- } else {
- $self->send(pc35($main::mycall, $fromnode, "$main::mycall:$line"));
- }
- }
# add a rcmd request to the rcmd queues
sub addrcmd
$pc9x_dupe_age = 60; # catch loops of circular (usually) D records
$pc10_dupe_age = 45; # just something to catch duplicate PC10->PC93 conversions
-$pc92_slug_changes = 60*5; # slug any changes going outward for this long
+$pc92_slug_changes = 60*1; # slug any changes going outward for this long
$last_pc92_slug = 0; # the last time we sent out any delayed add or del PC92s
$pc9x_time_tolerance = 15*60; # the time on a pc9x is allowed to be out by this amount
$pc9x_past_age = (122*60)+ # maximum age in the past of a px9x (a config record might be the only
- $pc9x_time_tolerance; # thing a node might send - once an hour and we allow an extra hour for luck)
+$pc9x_time_tolerance; # thing a node might send - once an hour and we allow an extra hour for luck)
# this is actually the partition between "yesterday" and "today" but old.
$pc92filterdef = bless ([
['zone', 'nz', 3],
], 'Filter::Cmd');
+our %pc11q;
+# this is a place to park an incoming PC11 in the sure and certain hope that
+# a PC61 will be along soon. This has the side benefit that it will delay a
+# a PC11 for one second - assuming that it is not removed by a PC61 version
# incoming talk commands
sub handle_10
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# this is to catch loops caused by bad software ...
if (eph_dup($line, $pc10_dupe_age)) {
# will we allow it at all?
if ($censorpc) {
my @bad;
- if (@bad = BadWords::check($_[3])) {
+ if (@bad = BadWords::check($pc->[3])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad words: @bad, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# is it for me or one of mine?
my ($from, $to, $via, $call, $dxchan);
- $from = $_[1];
- if ($_[5] gt ' ') {
- $via = $_[2];
- $to = $_[5];
+ $from = $pc->[1];
+ if ($pc->[5] gt ' ') {
+ $via = $pc->[2];
+ $to = $pc->[5];
} else {
- $to = $_[2];
+ $to = $pc->[2];
# if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
- if ($badnode->in($_[6]) || ($via && $badnode->in($via))) {
+ if ($badnode->in($pc->[6]) || ($via && $badnode->in($via))) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad Node, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# if we are converting announces to talk is it a dup?
if ($ann_to_talk) {
- if (AnnTalk::is_talk_candidate($from, $_[3]) && AnnTalk::dup($from, $to, $_[3])) {
+ if (AnnTalk::is_talk_candidate($from, $pc->[3]) && AnnTalk::dup($from, $to, $pc->[3])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Dupe talk from announce, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# convert this to a PC93, coming from mycall with origin set and process it as such
- $main::me->normal(pc93($to, $from, $via, $_[3], $_[6]));
+ $main::me->normal(pc93($to, $from, $via, $pc->[3], $pc->[6]));
+my $last;
# DX Spot handling
sub handle_11
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# route 'foreign' pc26s
if ($pcno == 26) {
- if ($_[7] ne $main::mycall) {
- $self->route($_[7], $line);
+ if ($pc->[7] ne $main::mycall) {
+ $self->route($pc->[7], $line);
-# my ($hops) = $_[8] =~ /^H(\d+)/;
+# my ($hops) = $pc->[8] =~ /^H(\d+)/;
# is the spotted callsign blank? This should really be trapped earlier but it
# could break other protocol sentences. Also check for lower case characters.
- if ($_[2] =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ if ($pc->[2] =~ /^\s*$/) {
dbg("PCPROT: blank callsign, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
- if ($_[2] =~ /[a-z]/) {
+ if ($pc->[2] =~ /[a-z]/) {
dbg("PCPROT: lowercase characters, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
- if ($badnode->in($_[7])) {
- dbg("PCPROT: Bad Node, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ if ($badnode->in($pc->[7])) {
+ dbg("PCPROT: Bad Node $pc->[7], dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
- # if this is a 'bad spotter' user then ignore it
- my $nossid = $_[6];
+ # if this is a 'bad spotter' or an unknown user then ignore it. BUT if it's got an IP address then allow it through
+ my $nossid = $pc->[6];
$nossid =~ s/-\d+$//;
if ($badspotter->in($nossid)) {
- dbg("PCPROT: Bad Spotter, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ dbg("PCPROT: Bad Spotter $pc->[6], dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
+# unless (is_ipaddr($pc->[8]) || DXUser::get_current($pc->[6])) {
+# dbg("PCPROT: Unknown Spotter $pc->[6], dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
+# return;
+# }
# convert the date to a unix date
- my $d = cltounix($_[3], $_[4]);
+ my $d = cltounix($pc->[3], $pc->[4]);
# bang out (and don't pass on) if date is invalid or the spot is too old (or too young)
if (!$d || (($pcno == 11 || $pcno == 61) && ($d < $main::systime - $pc11_max_age || $d > $main::systime + 900))) {
- dbg("PCPROT: Spot ignored, invalid date or out of range ($_[3] $_[4])\n") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ dbg("PCPROT: Spot ignored, invalid date or out of range ($pc->[3] $pc->[4])\n") if isdbg('chanerr');
# is it 'baddx'
- if ($baddx->in($_[2]) || BadWords::check($_[2])) {
+ if ($baddx->in($pc->[2]) || BadWords::check($pc->[2])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad DX spot, ignored") if isdbg('chanerr');
# do some de-duping
- $_[5] =~ s/^\s+//; # take any leading blanks off
- $_[2] = unpad($_[2]); # take off leading and trailing blanks from spotted callsign
- if ($_[2] =~ /BUST\w*$/) {
+ $pc->[5] =~ s/^\s+//; # take any leading blanks off
+ $pc->[2] = unpad($pc->[2]); # take off leading and trailing blanks from spotted callsign
+ if ($pc->[2] =~ /BUST\w*$/) {
dbg("PCPROT: useless 'BUSTED' spot") if isdbg('chanerr');
if ($censorpc) {
my @bad;
- if (@bad = BadWords::check($_[5])) {
+ if (@bad = BadWords::check($pc->[5])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad words: @bad, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
- my @spot = Spot::prepare($_[1], $_[2], $d, $_[5], $nossid, $_[7], $_[8]);
+ my @spot = Spot::prepare($pc->[1], $pc->[2], $d, $pc->[5], $nossid, $pc->[7], $pc->[8]);
# global spot filtering on INPUT
if ($self->{inspotsfilter}) {
my ($filter, $hops) = $self->{inspotsfilter}->it(@spot);
+ # If is a new PC11, store it, releasing the one that is there (if any),
+ # if a PC61 comes along then dump the stored PC11
+ # If there is a different PC11 stored, release that one and store this PC11 instead,
+ my $key = join '|', @spot[0..2,4,7];
+ if (0) {
+ if ($pc->[0] eq 'PC11') {
+ my $r = [$main::systime, $key, \@spot, $line, $origin, $pc];
+ if (!$last) {
+ $last = [$main::systime, $key, \@spot, $line, $origin, $pc];
+ dbg("PC11: $origin -> $key stored") if isdbg('pc11');
+ return;
+ } elsif ($key eq $last->[1]) { # same as last one
+ dbg("PC11: $origin -> $key dupe dropped") if isdbg('pc11');
+ return;
+ } else {
+ # it's a different PC11, kick the stored one onward and store this one instead,
+ dbg("PC11: PC11 new $origin -> $key stored, $last->[4] -> $last->[1] passed onward") if isdbg('pc11');
+ @spot = @{$last->[2]};
+ $line = $last->[3];
+ $origin = $last->[4];
+ $pc = $last->[5];
+ $last = $r;
+ }
+ } elsif ($pc->[0] eq 'PC61') {
+ if ($last) {
+ if ($last->[1] eq $key) {
+ # dump $last and proceed with the PC61
+ dbg("PC11: $origin -> $key dropped in favour of PC61") if isdbg('pc11');
+ undef $last;
+ } else {
+ # it's a different spot send out stored pc11
+ dbg("PC11: last $last->[4] -> $last->[1] different PC61 $origin -> $key, send PC11 first ") if isdbg('pc11');
+ $last->[1] = 'new pc61';
+ handle_11($self, 11, $last->[3], $last->[4], $last->[5]);
+ undef $last;
+ dbg("PC11: now process PC61 $origin -> $key") if isdbg('pc11');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ dbg("PC11: Unexpected line '$line' in bagging area (expecting PC61, PC11), ignored");
+ return;
+ }
# this goes after the input filtering, but before the add
# so that if it is input filtered, it isn't added to the dup
# list. This allows it to come in from a "legitimate" source
if (Spot::dup(@spot[0..4,5])) {
- dbg("PCPROT: Duplicate Spot ignored\n") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ dbg("PCPROT: Duplicate Spot $pc->[0] $key ignored\n") if isdbg('chanerr') || isdbg('dupespot');
# add it
+ my $ip = '';
+ $ip ||= $spot[14] if exists $spot[14];
+ if (isdbg('progress')) {
+ my $sip = $ip ? sprintf "($ip)" : '' unless $ip =~ m|[\(\)\*]|;
+ $sip ||= '';
+ my $d = ztime($spot[2]);
+ my $s = "SPOT: $spot[1] on $spot[0] \@ $d by $spot[4]$sip\@$spot[7]";
+ $s .= $spot[3] ? " '$spot[3]'" : q{ ''};
+ $s .= " route: $origin";
+ dbg($s);
+ }
# @spot at this point contains:-
# freq, spotted call, time, text, spotter, spotted cc, spotters cc, orig node
} else {
route(undef, $to, pc34($main::mycall, $to, $cmd));
- if ($to ne $_[7]) {
- $to = $_[7];
+ if ($to ne $origin) {
+ $to = $origin;
$node = Route::Node::get($to);
if ($node) {
$dxchan = $node->dxchan;
send_dx_spot($self, $line, @spot) if @spot;
+# used to kick outstanding PC11 if required
+sub pc11_process
# announces
sub handle_12
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# announce duplicate checking
- $_[3] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading blanks
+ $pc->[3] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading blanks
if ($censorpc) {
my @bad;
- if (@bad = BadWords::check($_[3])) {
+ if (@bad = BadWords::check($pc->[3])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad words: @bad, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
- if ($badnode->in($_[5])) {
+ if ($badnode->in($pc->[5])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad Node, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
# if this is a 'bad spotter' user then ignore it
- my $nossid = $_[1];
+ my $nossid = $pc->[1];
$nossid =~ s/-\d+$//;
if ($badspotter->in($nossid)) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad Spotter, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
my $dxchan;
- if ((($dxchan = DXChannel::get($_[2])) && $dxchan->is_user) || $_[4] =~ /^[\#\w.]+$/){
- $self->send_chat(0, $line, @_[1..6]);
- } elsif ($_[2] eq '*' || $_[2] eq $main::mycall) {
+ if ((($dxchan = DXChannel::get($pc->[2])) && $dxchan->is_user) || $pc->[4] =~ /^[\#\w.]+$/){
+ $self->send_chat(0, $line, @$pc[1..6]);
+ } elsif ($pc->[2] eq '*' || $pc->[2] eq $main::mycall) {
# ignore something that looks like a chat line coming in with sysop
# flag - this is a kludge...
- if ($_[3] =~ /^\#\d+ / && $_[4] eq '*') {
+ if ($pc->[3] =~ /^\#\d+ / && $pc->[4] eq '*') {
dbg('PCPROT: Probable chat rewrite, dropped') if isdbg('chanerr');
# here's a bit of fun, convert incoming ann with a callsign in the first word
# or one saying 'to <call>' to a talk if we can route to the recipient
if ($ann_to_talk) {
- my $call = AnnTalk::is_talk_candidate($_[1], $_[3]);
+ my $call = AnnTalk::is_talk_candidate($pc->[1], $pc->[3]);
if ($call) {
my $ref = Route::get($call);
if ($ref) {
$dxchan = $ref->dxchan;
- $dxchan->talk($_[1], $call, undef, $_[3], $_[5]) if $dxchan != $self;
+ $dxchan->talk($pc->[1], $call, undef, $pc->[3], $pc->[5]) if $dxchan != $self;
# send it
- $self->send_announce(0, $line, @_[1..6]);
+ $self->send_announce(0, $line, @$pc[1..6]);
} else {
- $self->route($_[2], $line);
+ $self->route($pc->[2], $line);
# local processing
if (defined &Local::ann) {
my $r;
eval {
- $r = Local::ann($self, $line, @_[1..6]);
+ $r = Local::ann($self, $line, @$pc[1..6]);
return if $r;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
if (eph_dup($line, $eph_pc15_restime)) {
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# general checks
my $dxchan;
- my $ncall = $_[1];
+ my $ncall = $pc->[1];
my $newline = "PC16^";
# dos I want users from this channel?
my $i;
my @rout;
- for ($i = 2; $i < $#_; $i++) {
- my ($call, $conf, $here) = $_[$i] =~ /^(\S+) (\S) (\d)/o;
+ for ($i = 2; $i < $#$pc; $i++) {
+ my ($call, $conf, $here) = $pc->[$i] =~ /^(\S+) (\S) (\d)/o;
next unless $call && $conf && defined $here && is_callsign($call);
next if $call eq $main::mycall;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
my $dxchan;
- my $ncall = $_[2];
- my $ucall = $_[1];
+ my $ncall = $pc->[2];
+ my $ucall = $pc->[1];
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
my $parent = Route::Node::get($self->{call});
# record the type and version offered
- if (my ($version) = $_[1] =~ /DXSpider Version: (\d+\.\d+)/) {
+ if (my ($version) = $pc->[1] =~ /DXSpider Version: (\d+\.\d+)/) {
$self->{version} = 53 + $version;
$self->user->version(53 + $version);
$parent->version(0 + $version);
- my ($build) = $_[1] =~ /Build: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/;
+ my ($build) = $pc->[1] =~ /Build: (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/;
$self->{build} = 0 + $build;
$self->user->build(0 + $build);
$parent->build(0 + $build);
- dbg("DXSpider version $version build $build");
+ dbg("$self->{call} = DXSpider version $version build $build");
unless ($self->is_spider) {
dbg("Change U " . $self->user->sort . " C $self->{sort} -> S");
-# $self->{handle_xml}++ if DXXml::available() && $_[1] =~ /\bxml/;
+# $self->{handle_xml}++ if DXXml::available() && $pc->[1] =~ /\bxml/;
} else {
- dbg("Unknown software");
+ dbg("$self->{call} = Unknown software ($pc->[1] $pc->[2])");
- $self->version($_[2] / 100) if $_[2] && $_[2] =~ /^\d+$/;
+ $self->version($pc->[2] / 100) if $pc->[2] && $pc->[2] =~ /^\d+$/;
- if ($_[1] =~ /\bpc9x/) {
+ if ($pc->[1] =~ /\bpc9x/) {
if ($self->{isolate}) {
- dbg("pc9x recognised, but $self->{call} is isolated, using old protocol");
+ dbg("$self->{call} pc9x recognised, but node is isolated, using old protocol");
} elsif (!$self->user->wantpc9x) {
- dbg("pc9x explicitly switched off on $self->{call}, using old protocol");
+ dbg("$self->{call} pc9x explicitly switched off, using old protocol");
} else {
$self->{do_pc9x} = 1;
- dbg("Do px9x set on $self->{call}");
+ dbg("$self->{call} Set do PC9x");
# add this station to the user database, if required (don't remove SSID from nodes)
my $user = DXUser::get_current($call);
- if (!$user) {
+ unless ($user) {
$user = DXUser->new($call);
$user->priv(1); # I have relented and defaulted nodes
+ $user->lastin($main::systime); # this make it last longer than just this invocation
+ $user->put; # just to make sure it gets written away!!!
return $user;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
my $i;
my $newline = "PC19^";
# From now on we are only going to believe PC92 data and locally connected
# non-pc92 nodes.
- for ($i = 1; $i < $#_-1; $i += 4) {
- my $here = $_[$i];
- my $call = uc $_[$i+1];
- my $conf = $_[$i+2];
- my $ver = $_[$i+3];
+ for ($i = 1; $i < $#$pc-1; $i += 4) {
+ my $here = $pc->[$i];
+ my $call = uc $pc->[$i+1];
+ my $conf = $pc->[$i+2];
+ my $ver = $pc->[$i+3];
next unless defined $here && defined $conf && is_callsign($call);
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
if ($self->{do_pc9x} && $self->{state} ne 'init92') {
$self->send("Reseting to oldstyle routing because login call not sent in any pc92");
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $call = uc $_[1];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $call = uc $pc->[1];
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
if ($self->{do_pc9x}) {
if ($self->{state} ne 'init92') {
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# route foreign' pc27s
if ($pcno == 27) {
- if ($_[8] ne $main::mycall) {
- $self->route($_[8], $line);
+ if ($pc->[8] ne $main::mycall) {
+ $self->route($pc->[8], $line);
# do some de-duping
- my $d = cltounix($_[1], sprintf("%02d18Z", $_[2]));
- my $sfi = unpad($_[3]);
- my $k = unpad($_[4]);
- my $i = unpad($_[5]);
- my ($r) = $_[6] =~ /R=(\d+)/;
+ my $d = cltounix($pc->[1], sprintf("%02d18Z", $pc->[2]));
+ my $sfi = unpad($pc->[3]);
+ my $k = unpad($pc->[4]);
+ my $i = unpad($pc->[5]);
+ my ($r) = $pc->[6] =~ /R=(\d+)/;
$r = 0 unless $r;
- if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $_[2] < 0 || $_[2] > 23) {
- dbg("PCPROT: WWV Date ($_[1] $_[2]) out of range") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $pc->[2] < 0 || $pc->[2] > 23) {
+ dbg("PCPROT: WWV Date ($pc->[1] $pc->[2]) out of range") if isdbg('chanerr');
# global wwv filtering on INPUT
- my @dxcc = ((Prefix::cty_data($_[7]))[0..2], (Prefix::cty_data($_[8]))[0..2]);
+ my @dxcc = ((Prefix::cty_data($pc->[7]))[0..2], (Prefix::cty_data($pc->[8]))[0..2]);
if ($self->{inwwvfilter}) {
- my ($filter, $hops) = $self->{inwwvfilter}->it(@_[7,8], $origin, @dxcc);
+ my ($filter, $hops) = $self->{inwwvfilter}->it(@$pc[7,8], $origin, @dxcc);
unless ($filter) {
dbg("PCPROT: Rejected by input wwv filter") if isdbg('chanerr');
- $_[7] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
- if (Geomag::dup($d,$sfi,$k,$i,$_[6],$_[7])) {
+ $pc->[7] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
+ if (Geomag::dup($d,$sfi,$k,$i,$pc->[6],$pc->[7])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Dup WWV Spot ignored\n") if isdbg('chanerr');
# note this only takes the first one it gets
- Geomag::update($d, $_[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @_[6..8], $r);
+ Geomag::update($d, $pc->[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @$pc[6..8], $r);
+ dbg("WWV: <$pc->[2]>, sfi=$sfi k=$k info=$i '$pc->[6]' $pc->[7]\@$pc->[8] $r route: $origin") if isdbg('progress');
if (defined &Local::wwv) {
my $rep;
eval {
- $rep = Local::wwv($self, $_[1], $_[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @_[6..8], $r);
+ $rep = Local::wwv($self, $pc->[1], $pc->[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @$pc[6..8], $r);
return if $rep;
return if $pcno == 27;
# broadcast to the eager world
- send_wwv_spot($self, $line, $d, $_[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @_[6..8]);
+ send_wwv_spot($self, $line, $d, $pc->[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @$pc[6..8]);
# set here status
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $call = uc $_[1];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $call = uc $pc->[1];
my ($nref, $uref);
$nref = Route::Node::get($call);
$uref = Route::User::get($call);
- $nref->here($_[2]) if $nref;
- $uref->here($_[2]) if $uref;
+ $nref->here($pc->[2]) if $nref;
+ $uref->here($pc->[2]) if $uref;
my $ref = $nref || $uref;
return unless $self->in_filter_route($ref);
- $self->route_pc24($origin, $line, $ref, $_[3]);
+ $self->route_pc24($origin, $line, $ref, $pc->[3]);
# merge request
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- if ($_[1] ne $main::mycall) {
- $self->route($_[1], $line);
+ my $pc = shift;
+ if ($pc->[1] ne $main::mycall) {
+ $self->route($pc->[1], $line);
- if ($_[2] eq $main::mycall) {
+ if ($pc->[2] eq $main::mycall) {
dbg("PCPROT: Trying to merge to myself, ignored") if isdbg('chan');
- Log('DXProt', "Merge request for $_[3] spots and $_[4] WWV from $_[2]");
+ Log('DXProt', "Merge request for $pc->[3] spots and $pc->[4] WWV from $pc->[2]");
# spots
- if ($_[3] > 0) {
- my @in = reverse Spot::search(1, undef, undef, 0, $_[3]);
+ if ($pc->[3] > 0) {
+ my @in = reverse Spot::search(1, undef, undef, 0, $pc->[3]);
my $in;
foreach $in (@in) {
- $self->send(pc26(@{$in}[0..4], $_[2]));
+ $self->send(pc26(@{$in}[0..4], $pc->[2]));
# wwv
- if ($_[4] > 0) {
- my @in = reverse Geomag::search(0, $_[4], time, 1);
+ if ($pc->[4] > 0) {
+ my @in = reverse Geomag::search(0, $pc->[4], time, 1);
my $in;
foreach $in (@in) {
- $self->send(pc27(@{$in}[0..5], $_[2]));
+ $self->send(pc27(@{$in}[0..5], $pc->[2]));
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- if ($_[1] eq $main::mycall) {
+ my $pc = shift;
+ if ($pc->[1] eq $main::mycall) {
no strict 'refs';
my $sub = "DXMsg::handle_$pcno";
- &$sub($self, @_);
+ &$sub($self, @$pc);
} else {
- $self->route($_[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
+ $self->route($pc->[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
if (eph_dup($line, $eph_pc34_restime)) {
} else {
- $self->process_rcmd($_[1], $_[2], $_[2], $_[3]);
+ $self->process_rcmd($pc->[1], $pc->[2], $pc->[2], $pc->[3]);
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- eph_del_regex("^PC35\\^$_[2]\\^$_[1]\\^");
- $self->process_rcmd_reply($_[1], $_[2], $_[1], $_[3]);
+ my $pc = shift;
+ eph_del_regex("^PC35\\^$pc->[2]\\^$pc->[1]\\^");
+ $self->process_rcmd_reply($pc->[1], $pc->[2], $pc->[1], $pc->[3]);
sub handle_36 {goto &handle_34}
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- if ($_[1] eq $main::mycall) {
+ my $pc = shift;
+ if ($pc->[1] eq $main::mycall) {
no strict 'refs';
my $sub = "DXDb::handle_$pcno";
- &$sub($self, @_);
+ &$sub($self, @$pc);
} else {
- $self->route($_[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
+ $self->route($pc->[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# incoming disconnect
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- if ($_[1] eq $self->{call}) {
+ my $pc = shift;
+ if ($pc->[1] eq $self->{call}) {
} else {
dbg("PCPROT: came in on wrong channel") if isdbg('chanerr');
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $call = $_[1];
- my $sort = $_[2];
- my $val = $_[3];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $call = $pc->[1];
+ my $sort = $pc->[2];
+ my $val = $pc->[3];
my $l = "PC41^$call^$sort";
if (eph_dup($l, $eph_info_restime)) {
# perhaps this IS what we want after all
- # $self->route_pc41($ref, $call, $sort, $val, $_[4]);
+ # $self->route_pc41($ref, $call, $sort, $val, $pc->[4]);
sub handle_42 {goto &handle_28}
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
if (eph_dup($line)) {
- if ($_[1] eq $main::mycall) {
- DXMsg::handle_49($self, @_);
+ if ($pc->[1] eq $main::mycall) {
+ DXMsg::handle_49($self, @$pc);
} else {
- $self->route($_[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
+ $self->route($pc->[1], $line) unless $self->is_clx;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
return if (eph_dup($line));
- my $call = $_[1];
+ my $call = $pc->[1];
my $node = Route::Node::get($call);
if ($node) {
return unless $node->call eq $self->{call};
- $node->usercount($_[2]) unless $node->users;
+ $node->usercount($pc->[2]) unless $node->users;
- $node->PC92C_dxchan($self->call, $_[-1]);
+ $node->PC92C_dxchan($self->call, $pc->[-1]);
# input filter if required
# return unless $self->in_filter_route($node);
unless ($self->{isolate}) {
DXChannel::broadcast_nodes($line, $self); # send it to everyone but me
-# $self->route_pc50($origin, $line, $node, $_[2], $_[3]) unless eph_dup($line);
+# $self->route_pc50($origin, $line, $node, $pc->[2], $pc->[3]) unless eph_dup($line);
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $to = $_[1];
- my $from = $_[2];
- my $flag = $_[3];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $to = $pc->[1];
+ my $from = $pc->[2];
+ my $flag = $pc->[3];
if ($to eq $main::myalias) {
dbg("DXPROT: Ping addressed to \$myalias ($main::myalias), ignored") if isdbg('chan');
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $call = $_[1];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $call = $pc->[1];
if ($call ne $main::mycall) {
$self->route($call, $line);
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- my $call = $_[1];
+ my $pc = shift;
+ my $call = $pc->[1];
# do some de-duping
- my $d = cltounix($call, sprintf("%02d18Z", $_[2]));
- if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $_[2] < 0 || $_[2] > 23) {
- dbg("PCPROT: WCY Date ($call $_[2]) out of range") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ my $d = cltounix($call, sprintf("%02d18Z", $pc->[2]));
+ if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $pc->[2] < 0 || $pc->[2] > 23) {
+ dbg("PCPROT: WCY Date ($call $pc->[2]) out of range") if isdbg('chanerr');
- @_ = map { unpad($_) } @_;
+ $pc = [ map { unpad($_) } @$pc ];
if (WCY::dup($d)) {
dbg("PCPROT: Dup WCY Spot ignored\n") if isdbg('chanerr');
- my $wcy = WCY::update($d, @_[2..12]);
+ my $wcy = WCY::update($d, @$pc[2..12]);
+ dbg("WCY: <$pc->[2]> K=$pc->[5] expK=$pc->[6] A=$pc->[4] R=$pc->[7] SFI=$pc->[3] SA=$pc->[8] GMF=$pc->[9] Au=$pc->[10] $pc->[11]\@$pc->[12] route: $origin") if isdbg('progress');
if (defined &Local::wcy) {
my $rep;
eval {
- $rep = Local::wcy($self, @_[1..12]);
+ $rep = Local::wcy($self, @$pc[1..12]);
return if $rep;
# broadcast to the eager world
- send_wcy_spot($self, $line, $d, @_[2..12]);
+ send_wcy_spot($self, $line, $d, @$pc[2..12]);
# remote commands (incoming)
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- $self->process_rcmd($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]);
+ my $pc = shift;
+ $self->process_rcmd($pc->[1], $pc->[2], $pc->[3], $pc->[4]);
# remote command replies
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
- $self->process_rcmd_reply($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]);
+ my $pc = shift;
+ $self->process_rcmd_reply($pc->[1], $pc->[2], $pc->[3], $pc->[4]);
# decode a pc92 call: flag call : version : build
my $is_extnode = $flag & 2;
my $here = $flag & 1;
my $ip = $part[3];
- $ip ||= $part[1] if $part[1] && ($part[1] =~ /^(?:\d+\.)+/ || $part[1] =~ /^(?:(?:[abcdef\d]+)?,)+/);
+ $ip ||= $part[1] if $part[1] && $part[1] !~ /^\d+$/ && ($part[1] =~ /^(?:\d+\.)+/ || $part[1] =~ /^(?:(?:[abcdef\d]+)?,)+/);
$ip =~ s/,/:/g if $ip;
return ($call, $is_node, $is_extnode, $here, $part[1], $part[2], $ip);
delete $things_del{$call};
} else {
+ dbgprintring(10) if isdbg('nologchan');
dbg("DXProt::add_thingy: Trying to add parent $call to itself $ncall, ignored");
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
my (@radd, @rdel);
- my $pcall = $_[1];
- my $t = $_[2];
- my $sort = $_[3];
- my $hops = $_[-1];
+ my $pcall = $pc->[1];
+ my $t = $pc->[2];
+ my $sort = $pc->[3];
+ my $hops = $pc->[-1];
# this catches loops of A/Ds
# if (eph_dup($line, $pc9x_dupe_age)) {
# here is where the consequences of the 'find' command
# are dealt with
- my $from = $_[4];
- my $target = $_[5];
+ my $from = $pc->[4];
+ my $target = $pc->[5];
if ($sort eq 'F') {
my $flag;
} elsif ($sort eq 'R') {
if (my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($from)) {
- handle_pc92_find_reply($dxchan, $pcall, $from, $target, @_[6,7]);
+ handle_pc92_find_reply($dxchan, $pcall, $from, $target, @$pc[6,7]);
} else {
my $ref = Route::get($from);
if ($ref) {
# remember the last channel we arrived on
$parent->PC92C_dxchan($self->{call}, $hops) unless $self->{call} eq $parent->call;
- my @ent = _decode_pc92_call($_[4]);
+ my @ent = _decode_pc92_call($pc->[4]);
if (@ent) {
my $add;
# here is where all the routes are created and destroyed
# cope with missing duplicate node calls in the first slot
- my $me = $_[4] || '';
+ my $me = $pc->[4] || '';
$me ||= _encode_pc92_call($parent) unless $me ;
- my @ent = map {my @a = _decode_pc92_call($_); @a ? \@a : ()} grep {$_ && /^[0-7]/} $me, @_[5 .. $#_];
+ my @ent = map {my @a = _decode_pc92_call($_); @a ? \@a : ()} grep {$_ && /^[0-7]/} $me, @$pc[5 .. $#$pc];
if (@ent) {
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
# $self->{do_pc9x} ||= 1;
- my $pcall = $_[1]; # this is now checked earlier
+ my $pcall = $pc->[1]; # this is now checked earlier
# remember that we are converting PC10->PC93 and self will be $main::me if it
# comes from us
- my $t = $_[2];
+ my $t = $pc->[2];
my $parent = check_pc9x_t($pcall, $t, 93, 1) || return;
- my $to = uc $_[3];
- my $from = uc $_[4];
- my $via = uc $_[5];
- my $text = $_[6];
- my $onode = uc $_[7];
- $onode = $pcall if @_ <= 8;
+ my $to = uc $pc->[3];
+ my $from = uc $pc->[4];
+ my $via = uc $pc->[5];
+ my $text = $pc->[6];
+ my $onode = uc $pc->[7];
+ $onode = $pcall if @$pc <= 8;
# this is catch loops caused by bad software ...
if (eph_dup("PC93|$from|$text|$onode", $pc10_dupe_age)) {
+ if (isdbg('progress')) {
+ my $vs = $via ne '*' ? " via $via" : '';
+ my $s = "ANNTALK: $from\@$onode$vs -> $to '$text' route: $origin";
+ dbg($s);
+ }
# will we allow it at all?
if ($censorpc) {
my @bad;
my $pcno = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $origin = shift;
+ my $pc = shift;
unless (eph_dup($line)) {
if ($pcno >= 90) {
- my $pcall = $_[1];
+ my $pcall = $pc->[1];
unless (is_callsign($pcall)) {
- dbg("PCPROT: invalid callsign string '$_[1]', ignored") if isdbg('chanerr');
+ dbg("PCPROT: invalid callsign string '$pc->[1]', ignored") if isdbg('chanerr');
- my $t = $_[2];
+ my $t = $pc->[2];
my $parent = check_pc9x_t($pcall, $t, $pcno, 1) || return;
$self->broadcast_route_pc9x($pcall, undef, $line, 0);
} else {