use Serial;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::IOLoop::Stream;
+use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
my $devname = "/dev/davis";
+my $rain_mult = 0.1; # 0.1 or 0.2 mm or 0.01 inches
my $tid;
my $rid;
my $count;
my $state = "ready";
my $buf;
+my $dbg;
+my $last_reading;
our @crc_table = (
0x0, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
$bar_trend{20} = "Rising Slowly";
$bar_trend{60} = "Rising Rapidly";
-#$SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = sub {Mojo::IOLoop->reset if Mojo::IOLoop->is_running && !$DB::VERSION};
+#$SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = sub {Mojo::IOLoop->stop if Mojo::IOLoop->is_running && !$DB::VERSION};
my $s = do_open($devname);
Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
exit 0;
sub on_read
my ($str, $d) = @_;
$buf .= $d;
$d =~ s/([\%\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
-# say "read added '$d' buf lth=" . length $buf;
+# say "read added '$d' buf lth=" . length $buf if $dbg;
if ($state eq 'waitnl' && $buf =~ /[\cJ\cM]+/) {
undef $tid;
undef $buf;
} elsif ($state eq 'waitlooprec') {
if (length $buf >= 99) {
- say "got loop record\n";
+ say "got loop record\n" if $dbg;
undef $buf;
sub start_loop
- say "writing \\n";
+ say "writing \\n" if $dbg;
- $tid = Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0.6 => sub {say "writing \\n"; $s->write("\n")});
+ $tid = Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0.6 => sub {say "writing \\n" if $dbg; $s->write("\n")});
sub chgstate
- say "state '$state' -> '$_[0]'";
+ say "state '$state' -> '$_[0]'" if $dbg;
$state = $_[0];
my $name = shift;
my $ob = Serial->new($name, 19200) || die "$name $!\n";
- say "streaming $name fileno(", fileno($ob), ")";
+ say "streaming $name fileno(", fileno($ob), ")" if $dbg;
my $str = Mojo::IOLoop::Stream->new($ob);
$str->on(error=>sub {say "serial $_[1]"; undef $s; Mojo::IOLoop->reset;});
$str->on(close=>sub {say "serial closing"; undef $s; Mojo::IOLoop->reset;});
$str->on(timeout=>sub {say "serial timeout";});
$str->on(read=>sub {on_read(@_)});
my $blk = shift;
my $loo = substr $blk,0,3;
unless ( $loo eq 'LOO') {
- say "Block invalid loo -> $loo"; return;
+ say "Block invalid loo -> $loo" if $dbg; return;
my $t;
- my %hsh;
+ my %h;
- #$hsh{'next_rec'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,5,2);
+ #$h{'next_rec'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,5,2);
- $hsh{'Barometric_Trend'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,3,1);
- $hsh{'Barometric_Trend_txt'} = $bar_trend{$hsh{'Barometric_Trend'}};
+ $h{'Barometric_Trend'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,3,1);
+ $h{'Barometric_Trend_txt'} = $bar_trend{$h{'Barometric_Trend'}};
$t = unpack("s", substr $blk,7,2) / 1000;
- # $hsh{'Barometric_Press_hg'} = $t;
- $hsh{'Barometric_Press_mb'} = sprintf("%.2f",$t*33.8637526);
+ $h{'Barometric_Press_mb'} = sprintf("%.0f",$t*33.8637526);
$t = unpack("s", substr $blk,9,2) / 10;
- # $hsh{'Air_Temp_Inside_f'} = $t;
- $hsh{'Air_Temp_Inside_c'} = sprintf("%.1f",($t - 32) * 5/9);
+ $h{'Air_Temp_Inside_c'} = sprintf("%.1f",($t - 32) * 5/9);
my $tf = unpack("s", substr $blk,12,2) / 10;
- # $hsh{'Air_Temp_Outside_f'} = $tf;
- $hsh{'Air_Temp_Outside_c'} = sprintf("%.1f",($tf - 32) * 5/9);
+ $h{'Air_Temp_Outside_c'} = sprintf("%.1f",($tf - 32) * 5/9);
- $hsh{'Wind_Speed_mph'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,14,1);
- # $hsh{'Wind_Speed_mps'} = sprintf("%.1f",$hsh{'Wind_Speed_mph'}*0.44704);
- $hsh{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mph'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,15,1);
- # $hsh{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mps'} = sprintf("%.1f",$hsh{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mph'}*0.44704);
- $hsh{'Wind_Dir'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,16,2);
+ $h{'Wind_Speed_mph'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,14,1);
+ $h{'Wind_Speed_mps'} = sprintf("%.1f",$h{'Wind_Speed_mph'}*0.44704);
+ $h{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mph'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,15,1);
+ $h{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mps'} = sprintf("%.1f",$h{'Wind_Speed_10min_Avg_mph'}*0.44704);
+ $h{'Wind_Dir'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,16,2);
- $hsh{'Humidity_Outside'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,33,1);
- $hsh{'Humidity_Inside'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,11,1);
- $hsh{'Dew_Point'} = dew_point($tf, $hsh{'Humidity_Outside'});
+ $h{'Humidity_Outside'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,33,1);
+ $h{'Humidity_Inside'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,11,1);
+ $h{'Dew_Point'} = dew_point($h{Air_Temp_Outside_c}, $h{'Humidity_Outside'});
- # $hsh{'UV'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,43,1);
- # $hsh{'Solar'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,44,2); # watt/m**2
+ $h{'UV'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,43,1);
+ $h{'Solar'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,44,2); # watt/m**2
- $hsh{'Rain_Rate'} = (unpack("s", substr $blk,41,2) / 100) * 25.4; # Inches per hr converted to mm
- $hsh{'Rain_Storm'} = (unpack("s", substr $blk,46,2) / 100) * 25.4; # Inches per storm
- #$hsh{'Storm_Date'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,48,2); # Need to parse data (not sure what this is)
- $hsh{'Rain_Day'} = (unpack("s", substr $blk,50,2)/100) * 25.4;
- $hsh{'Rain_Month'} = (unpack("s", substr $blk,52,2)/100) * 25.4;
- $hsh{'Rain_Year'} = (unpack("s", substr $blk,54,2)/100) * 25.4;
+ $h{'Rain_Rate'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,41,2) * $rain_mult;
+ $h{'Rain_Day'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,50,2) * $rain_mult;
+ $h{'Rain_Month'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,52,2) * $rain_mult;
+ $h{'Rain_Year'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,54,2) * $rain_mult;
- $hsh{'ET_Day'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,56,2)/1000;
- $hsh{'ET_Month'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,58,2)/100;
- $hsh{'ET_Year'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,60,2)/100;
+ $h{'ET_Day'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,56,2)/1000;
+ $h{'ET_Month'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,58,2)/100;
+ $h{'ET_Year'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,60,2)/100;
- #$hsh{'Alarms_Inside'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
- #$hsh{'Alarms_Rain'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
- #$hsh{'Alarms_Outside'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
+ #$h{'Alarms_Inside'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
+ #$h{'Alarms_Rain'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
+ #$h{'Alarms_Outside'} = unpack("b8", substr $blk,70,1);
- $hsh{'Batt_Transmitter'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,86,1); # * 0.005859375
- $hsh{'Batt_Console'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,87,2) * 0.005859375;
+ $h{'Batt_TX_OK'} = (unpack("C", substr $blk,86,1)+0) ^ 1;
+ $h{'Batt_Console'} = unpack("s", substr $blk,87,2) * 0.005859375;
- $hsh{'Forecast_Icon'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,89,1);
- $hsh{'Forecast_Rule'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,90,1);
+ $h{'Forecast_Icon'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,89,1);
+ $h{'Forecast_Rule'} = unpack("C", substr $blk,90,1);
- $hsh{'Sunrise'} = sprintf( "%04d", unpack("S", substr $blk,91,2) );
- $hsh{'Sunrise'} =~ s/(\d{2})(\d{2})/$1:$2/;
- $hsh{'Sunset'} = sprintf( "%04d", unpack("S", substr $blk,93,2) );
- $hsh{'Sunset'} =~ s/(\d{2})(\d{2})/$1:$2/;
+ $h{'Sunrise'} = sprintf( "%04d", unpack("S", substr $blk,91,2) );
+ $h{'Sunrise'} =~ s/(\d{2})(\d{2})/$1:$2/;
+ $h{'Sunset'} = sprintf( "%04d", unpack("S", substr $blk,93,2) );
+ $h{'Sunset'} =~ s/(\d{2})(\d{2})/$1:$2/;
#my $nl = ord substr $blk,95,1;
#my $cr = ord substr $blk,96,1;
my $crc_calc = CRC_CCITT($blk);
if ($crc_calc==0) {
- say "inside: $hsh{Air_Temp_Inside_c} degC $hsh{Humidity_Inside}\% outside: $hsh{Air_Temp_Outside_c} degC $hsh{Humidity_Outside}\% wind: $hsh{Wind_Speed_mph} $hsh{Wind_Dir} deg $hsh{Barometric_Press_mb} mB";
+ my $o = gen_hash_diff($last_reading, \%h);
+ $last_reading = \%h;
+ if (time % 60 == 0) {
+ my $oo = {t => time, r =>\%h};
+ say encode_json($oo);
+ } elsif ($o) {
+ my $oo = {t => time, r =>$o};
+ say encode_json($oo);
+ }
} else {
- print "CRC check failed for LOOP data!\n";
+ say "CRC check failed for LOOP data!";
return 1;
- #delete @hsh{'crc', 'crc_calc', 'next_rec'};
- #delete($hsh{crc})||die"cant delete crc";
- #delete($hsh{crc_calc})||die"cant delete crc_calc";
- #delete($hsh{next_rec})||die"cant delete next_rec";
+ #delete @h{'crc', 'crc_calc', 'next_rec'};
+ #delete($h{crc})||die"cant delete crc";
+ #delete($h{crc_calc})||die"cant delete crc_calc";
+ #delete($h{next_rec})||die"cant delete next_rec";
+sub gen_hash_diff
+ my $last = shift;
+ my $now = shift;
+ my %o;
+ my $count;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %$now) {
+ if ($last->{$k} ne $now->{$k}) {
+ $o{$k} = $v;
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ return $count ? \%o : undef;
sub dew_point
--- /dev/null
+This is the protocol used by the Davis Weather wiressless Integrated Sensor
+Suite (ISS) to communicate its readings back to the console.
+Packets are sent from the ISS every 2.5 seconds for an ISS set to a transmit
+ID of zero. The rate gets slower as the transmit ID increases by 1/16 of a
+second for every station ID number e.g. ID 1 transmits at an interval of
+2.5625 seconds (ref: Davis Serial Protocol document). The data rate is 19.2
+kbps and is transmitted from the ISS with least significant bit first. More
+The starting point for reverse engineering the protocol is the output from the
+STRMON command when connected to the console with an LVTTL serial connection.
+This connection is discussed in detail in:
+Let's use the following STRMON snippet as an example.
+0 = 60
+1 = 6
+2 = d3
+3 = ff
+4 = c0
+5 = 0
+6 = 78
+7 = 75
+The eight bytes come from the ISS in this order. However, each byte comes in
+from the ISS with least significant bit first. The bit order has to be
+flipped before we can work with it. All values in the example above are in
+Byte 0: This is a header. The upper nibble is the sensor the data is from, as
+ 4 = UV Index
+ 5 = ?
+ 6 = solar radiation
+ 8 = temperature
+ 9 = ?
+ a = humidity
+ e = rain
+The lowest three bits in the low order nibble is the transmitter ID, set via dipswitches
+inside the unit.
+Bit 3 in the low order nibble of byte 0 indicates if the transmitter battery
+is low. The bit is set to zero if the battery is OK, but is apparently only
+set if the transmitter needs to run off the battery and not the solar-charged
+Byte 1: Wind speed in mph. Wind speed is updated every transmission. Simple.
+Byte 2: Wind direction from 1 to 360 degrees. Wind direction is updated every
+transmission. The wind reading is contained in a single byte that limits the
+maximum value to 255. It is converted to a range of 1 to 360 degrees by
+scaling the byte value by 360 / 255. A wind speed reading of 0xd3 = 211
+(decimal) * 360 / 255 = 297.
+Davis says that 0 indicates it can't get a reading, so you'd never see wind
+straight out of the North unless your wind vane is broken.
+Byte 6: High byte of the 16 bit CRC (0x78 in our example above)
+Byte 7: Low byte of the 16 bit CRC (0x75 in our example above)
+The CRC is the same as that on the serial interface and is documented in the
+Davis "VantageSerialProtocolDocs_v230.pdf" document. The first six bytes can
+be run through the calcuation and checked against the seventh and eight bytes.
+Alternatively, all eight bytes can be run through the calculation and the
+result will be zero if the CRC is valid. Pocketwx uses the CRC algorithm from
+Bytes 3 - 5: Depend on the sensor being read at the time. Need to work
+through these. This is what is known now.
+Message 4:
+Bytes 3 and 4 are for UV Index. The first byte is MSB and the second LSB.
+The lower nibble of the 4th byte is always 5, so they only use the first
+three nibbles. A value of FF in the third byte indicates that no sensor is
+The UV index is calcuated as follows.
+ UV Index = (byte3 << 8 + byte4) >> 6) / 50.0
+Message 6:
+Bytes 3 and 4 are solar radiation. The first byte is MSB and the second LSB.
+The lower nibble of the 4th byte is again always 5, so they only use the first
+three nibbles. A value of FF in the third byte indicates that no sensor is
+ Solar radiation = (byte3 << 8 + byte4) >> 6) * 1.757936
+Message 8:
+Byte 3 and 4 are temperature. The first byte is MSB and the second LSB. The
+value is signed with 0x0000 representing 0F. This reading in the old version
+of the ISS was taked from an analog sensor and measured by an A/D. The newer
+ISS uses a digital sensor but still represents the data in the same way. 160
+counts (0xa0) represents 1 degree F. A message of
+80 04 70 0f 99 00 91 11
+represents temperature as 0x0f99, or 3993 decimal. Divide 3993 by 160 to get
+the console reading of 25.0F
+Message a:
+Humidity is represented as two bytes in Byte 3 and Byte 4 as a ten bit value.
+Bits 5 and 4 in Byte 4 are the two most significant bits. Byte 3 is the
+low order byte. The ten bit value is then 10x the humidity value displayed on
+the console. The function of the four low order bits in Byte 3 that cause the
+apparent jitter are not known. Here is an example.
+a0 06 52 83 38 00 5a c8
+((0x38 >> 4) << 8) + 0x83 = 131 + 768 = 899 = 89.9% Relative Humidity
+The displayed humidity at the time was 90%. The console rounds the value.
+Message e:
+Rain is in Byte 3. It is a running total of bucket tips that wraps back
+around to 0 eventually from the ISS. It is up to the console to keep track of
+changes in this byte. The example below is bound to confuse: the leading
+value is the elapsed time since data collection started (in seconds), all
+bytes have been converted to decimal, and the last two CRC bytes have been
+stripped off. A tip of the rain bucket causes the value the ISS is sending
+from a steady value of 40 to a new value of 41.
+To summarize:
+- Byte 0 is a header.
+- Byte 1 always represents wind speed
+- Byte 2 always represents the wind direction
+- Bytes 3-5 will carry other data according to the header in Byte 0
+- Bytes 6 and 7 always represents the checksum with high byte first
+From my notes to help work the rest of this out:
+Signed values from the weather station console are two's complement, least
+significant byte first. Note that pressure is measured by the console and not
+the ISS, so don't expect it to appear in the STRMON output.
+Update rates below are from Davis' specs and manuals. Data sizes and signing
+are as per the loop command and are what one might expect out of STRMON but
+not always. I noted above that wind direction via STRMON is actually one byte
+unsigned. There may be other exceptions.
+- Outside temp: 10 seconds in 10th of a degree F, two bytes signed (message e
+ in STRMON, bytes 3 and 4).
+- Winds speed: 2.5 seconds, one byte unsigned (Byte 1 in STRMON, always)
+- Wind direction: 2.5 seconds, two bytes unsigned from 1 to 360 (one byte
+ via STRMON, Byte 2 always)
+- Outside humidity: 50 seconds in percent, one byte unsigned (message a in
+ STRMON, bytes 3 and 4)
+- Rain: 10 seconds. This is in counts of 0.01 inches.
+- Pressure: in Hg/1000, two bytes unsigned (Rate????)
+- Leaf Wetness: 40 seconds
+- Soil Moisture: 40 seconds
+- Solar radiation: 50 seconds
+- UV: 50 seconds
+- Soil Moisture: 62.5 seconds
+I think all other outdoor related values are calculated in the console.
+The only headers (ie Byte 0) I see from my wireless VP2 with no additional
+sensors connected are:
+40 50 60 80 90 a0 e0
+The rates they show up at are:
+-40 shows either every 47.5 or 50 seconds
+-50 shows every 10 seconds
+-60 shows every 50 seconds
+-80 shows every 10 seconds
+-90 shows either 45, 47.5, or 50 seconds
+-a0 shows alternately every 40 seconds and 10 seconds (interesting!)
+-e0 shows every 10 seconds
+These rates along with the rates given in the Davis manual should make
+correlating the data a lot easier.
+Copyright DeKay @ under the Creative Commons
+Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0