dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' RESPOTTING call: $call qrg: $qrg last seen \@ ". atime(int $spot->[0])) if isdbg('rbn');
+ undef $spot; # it's about to be recreated (in one place)
+ # otherwise we have a spot being built up at the moment
} elsif ($spot) {
dbg("RBN: key '$sp' = '$spot' not ref");
# here we either have an existing spot record buildup on the go, or we need to create the first one
unless ($spot) {
- $spot = [clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)];
- $spots->{$sp} = $spot;
- dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' call: $call qrg: $qrg NEW") if isdbg('rbn');
+ $spots->{$sp} = $spot = [clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)];;
+ dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' call: $call qrg: $qrg NEW" . $respot ? ' RESPOT' : '') if isdbg('rbn');
# add me to the display queue unless we are waiting for initial in rush to finish