# process to just the standard "message passing" which has been shown to be able to sustain over 5000
# per second (limited by the test program's output and network speed, rather than DXSpider's handling).
- my $nqrg = nearest(1, $qrg); # normalised to nearest Khz
+ my $nqrg = nearest(5, $qrg*10); # normalised to nearest .5 Khz (but multipled by 10 to get an integer)
# my $nqrg = nearest_even($qrg); # normalised to nearest Khz
my $sp = "$call|$nqrg"; # hopefully the skimmers will be calibrated at least this well!
my $spp = sprintf("$call|%d", $nqrg+1); # but, clearly, my hopes are rudely dashed
dbg("RBN: STRENGTH spot: $s->[SCall] qrg: $s->[SQrg] origin: $s->[SOrigin] dB: $r->[RStrength] < $strength") if isdbg 'rbnll';
- if ($rf) {
+ if ($rf && !$want) {
my ($want, undef) = $rf->it($s);
dbg("RBN: FILTERING for $call spot: $s->[SCall] qrg: $s->[SQrg] origin: $s->[SOrigin] dB: $r->[RStrength] com: '$s->[SComment]' want: " . ($want ? 'YES':'NO')) if isdbg 'rbnll';
next unless $want;
--- /dev/null
+use lib qw(.);
+use Math::Round qw(:all);
+use JSON;
+use Text::Morse;
+$morse = new Text::Morse;
+while (<>) {
+ next unless /SK0MMR/;
+ ($gts,$sk,$f,$c,$md,$str,$zt)=m|^(\d+)\^.*DX de ([-\w\d/]+)-\#:\s+([\.\d]+)\s+([-\w\d/]+)\s+(\w{1,3})\s+(-?\d+).*(\d{4})Z|;
+ next unless $sk && $c;
+ $e = sprintf "%010d", nearest(5, $f*10);
+ $m = ''; #$morse->Encode($c);
+ $t10 = nearest(60, $gts);
+ $key = "$zt|$e";
+ $r = $spot{$key} ||= {};
+ $s = $r->{"$c|$m"} ||= {};
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour) = gmtime $gts;
+ $s->{$sk} = sprintf "%-.3s %4d %.1f %02d:%02d:%02d", $md, $str, $f, $hour, $min, $sec;
+ ++$skim{$sk};
+ ++$call{$c};
+$json = JSON->new->canonical(1)->indent(1);
+print $json->encode(\%spot), "\n";
+print $json->encode(\%skim), "\n";
+print $json->encode(\%call), "\n";
+$spotk = keys %spot;
+$skimk = keys %skim;
+$callk = keys %call;
+print "spots: $spotk skimmers: $skimk spotted calls: $callk\n";