=== 6^SHOW/BADWORD^Show all the bad words in the system
=== 6^SHOW/BADWORD full^Show all badwords with their Regex
+=== 6^SHOW/BADWORD <word> ...^Show all badwords with their Regex
Display all the bad words in the system, see SET/BADWORD
for more information.
The first form shows all the base words that are stored in a simple list.
-The second form show each word with its associated perl regex.
+The second form list all words with their associated perl regex.
+The third form shows just the regexes for the words asked for. If no
+answer for a word is given then it is not defined.
=== 0^SHOW/BANDS [band|region names]^Show the list of bands and regions
Display the bands and regions (collections of bands) known to
my ($self, $line) = @_;
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->remotecmd;
# are we permitted?
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->priv < 6;
my @out;
my @l;
my $count = 0;
+my @words = BadWords::check($line);
+my $cand;
+my $w;
-if ($line =~ /^\s*full/i) {
- foreach my $w (BadWords::list_regex(1)) {
+push @out, "Words: " . join ',', @words;
+if ($line =~ /^\s*full/i || @words) {
+ foreach $w (BadWords::list_regex(1)) {
- push @out, $w;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*full/) {
+ push @out, $w;
+ } elsif (@words) {
+ ($cand) = split /\s+/, $w;
+ #push @out, "cand: $cand";
+ push @out, $w if grep {$cand eq $_} @words;
+ }
else {