+1. Mark nodes that send PC92 K records as spider. These will include VE7CC
+ nodes. NOTE: there appear to be user records marked as user or other sorts
+ of node, which (now) are actually spider (compatible) nodes and will be
+ marked accordingly.
+2. Adjust nodes currently marked as spider nodes, but are sending versions
+ not in the spider range of versions on PC92 A records as AK1A.
+3. Try to undo some damage where users have been autocreated with similar
+ attributes as nodes (locked out with privilege set to 1). This will
+ slowly fix this problem over time, but see item 4 for a 'big bang'
+ approach.
+4. It has come to my attention that there are a large number of users (of
+ all sorts) that have incompatible SSIDs. See 03Jan22/4 for details.
+ These are now being scrubbed out of the users file and also will present
+ as their normalised selves. If a -0* SSID is encountered then, if the
+ normalised version of that call is not present, it will be renamed to
+ that normalised call. If the normalised version of that user record is
+ already present, the un-normalised user record (-0*) will be removed.
+5. Make export_users do a batch clean (as in 3. above) and also get rid of
+ (default) 12+ year old unaccessed user records and (default) 2+ year old
+ "empty" records (with no qra/latlog/qth or handle).
+ NOTE: if you do an manual export_users (as opposed to the automatic one
+ done once a week), do not be alarmed by the number of old (i.e. more than
+ 12 years old) callsigns that it will get rid of. In my case it was about
+ ~2/5th of the users file. Still left me with over 100,000 "active" users.
+ In you are a bit twitchy about this, the code will copy the current
+ user_json and user_json.ooooo to user_json.keep and user_json.backstop
+ respectively. These files will never be overwritten unless you remove one
+ or both, when they will be regenerated on the next export_user.
1. Fix issue in the RBN (and probably other places) with callsigns that
contain trailing / in callsigns like: OH0K/6, K2PO/7 etc.
$user->put; # just to make sure it gets written away!!!
dbg("DXProt: PC92 new user record for $call created");
+ # this is to fix a problem I introduced some build ago by using this function for users
+ # whereas it was only being used for nodes.
+ if ($user->is_user && $user->lockout && $user->priv == 1) {
+ $user->priv(0);
+ $user->lockout(0);
+ dbg("DXProt: PC92 user record for $call depriv'd and unlocked");
+ $user->put;
+ }
return $user;
my $is_node = $flag & 4;
my $is_extnode = $flag & 2;
my $here = $flag & 1;
- my $ip = $part[3];
- $ip ||= $part[1] if $part[1] && $part[1] !~ /^\d+$/ && ($part[1] =~ /^(?:\d+\.)+/ || $part[1] =~ /^(?:(?:[abcdef\d]+)?,)+/);
+ my $ip;
+ if ($part[1] =~ /[,.]/) {
+ $ip = $part[1];
+ $part[1] = $part[2] = 0;
+ } elsif ($part[3] =~ /[,.]/) {
+ $ip = $part[3];
+ }
$ip =~ s/,/:/g if $ip;
return ($call, $is_node, $is_extnode, $here, $part[1], $part[2], $ip);
if ($ncall ne $call) {
my $user;
my $r;
+ # normalise call, delete any unnormalised calls in the users file.
+ # then ignore this thingy
+ my $normcall = normalise_call($call);
+ if ($normcall ne $call) {
+ next if DXChannel::get($call);
+ $user = DXUser::get($call);
+ dbg("DXProt::_add_thingy call $call normalised to $normcall, deleting spurious user $call");
+ $user->del;
+ $call = $normcall; # this is safe because a route add will ignore duplicates
+ }
if ($is_node) {
dbg("ROUTE: added node $call to $ncall") if isdbg('routelow');
@rout = $parent->add($call, $version, Route::here($here), $ip);
$r = Route::Node::get($call);
$r->PC92C_dxchan($dxchan->call, $hops) if $r;
- if ($version) {
+ if ($version && $version =~ /\d+/) {
my $old = $user->sort;
- if ($version >= 5455 && defined $build && $build > 0 || $version >= 3000 ) {
+ if ($user->is_ak1a && (($version >= 5455 && defined $build && $build > 0) || ($version >= 3000 && $version <= 3500)) ) {
- dbg("PCProt::_add_thingy node $call sort ($old) updated to " . $user->sort) if isdbg('route');
- }
+ $build //= 0;
+ dbg("PCProt::_add_thingy node $call v: $version b: $build sort ($old) updated to " . $user->sort);
+ } elsif ($user->is_spider && ($version < 3000 || ($version > 4000 && $version < 5455)) && $version =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ unless ($version == 5000 && $build == 0) {
+ $user->sort('A');
+ $build //= 0;
+ dbg("PCProt::_add_thingy node $call v: $version b: $build sort ($old) downgraded to " . $user->sort);
+ }
+ }
} else {
dbg("ROUTE: added user $call to $ncall") if isdbg('routelow');
$parent->version($version || $pc19_version) if $version;
- $parent->build($build) if $build;
+ $build =~ s/^0\.//, $parent->build($build) if $build;
$parent->PC92C_dxchan($self->{call}, $hops) unless $self->{call} eq $parent->call;
return ($parent, @radd);
($parent, $add) = $self->pc92_handle_first_slot(\@ent, $parent, $t, $hops);
return unless $parent; # dupe
push @radd, $add if $add;
- $parent->version($ent[4]) if $ent[4];
- if ($ent[5]) {
- $ent[5] =~ s/^0.//;
- $parent->build($ent[5]);
+ my $call = $parent->call;
+ my $version = $ent[4] // 0;
+ my $build = $ent[5] // 0;
+ $build =~ s/^0\.//;
+ my $oldbuild = $parent->build // 0;
+ $oldbuild =~ s/^0\.//;
+ my $oldversion = $parent->version // 0;
+ my $user = check_add_user($parent->call, 'S');
+ my $oldsort = $user->sort;
+ if ($oldsort ne 'S' || $oldversion != $version || $build != $oldbuild) {
+ dbg("PCProt PC92 K node $call updated version: $version (was $oldversion) build: $build (was $oldbuild) sort: 'S' (was $oldsort)");
+ $user->sort('S');
+ $user->version($parent->version($version));
+ $user->build($parent->build($build));
+ $user->put;
dbg("ROUTE: reset obscount on $parent->{call} now " . $parent->obscount) if isdbg('obscount');
my $dxc;
next unless $_ && @$_;
if ($_->[0] eq $main::mycall) {
- LogDbg('err', "PCPROT: $self->{call} : type $sort $_->[0] refers to me, ignored");
+ dbg("PCPROT: $self->{call} : type $sort $_->[0] refers to me, ignored") if isdbg('route');
if ($_->[0] eq $main::myalias && $_->[1] || $_->[0] eq $main::mycall && $_->[1] == 0) {
- LogDbg('err',"PCPROT: $self->{call} : type $sort $_->[0] changing type to " . $_->[1]?"Node":"User" . ", ignored");
+ LogDbg('err',"PCPROT: $self->{call} : type $sort $_->[0] trying to change type to " . $_->[1]?"Node":"User" . ", ignored");
use strict;
-use vars qw(%u $dbm $filename %valid $lastoperinterval $lasttime $lru $lrusize $tooold $v3);
+use vars qw(%u $dbm $filename %valid $lastoperinterval $lasttime $lru $lrusize $tooold $veryold $v3);
%u = ();
$dbm = undef;
$lastoperinterval = 60*24*60*60;
$lasttime = 0;
$lrusize = 5000;
-$tooold = 86400 * 365; # this marks an old user who hasn't given enough info to be useful
+$tooold = 86400 * 365 * 2; # this marks an old user who hasn't given enough info to be useful
+$veryold = $tooold * 6; # Ancient default 12 years
$v3 = 0;
our $maxconnlist = 3; # remember this many connection time (duration) [start, end] pairs
# confess "can't create existing call $call in User\n!" if $u{$call};
my $self = $pkg->alloc($call);
- $self->{lastseen} = $main::systime;
return $self;
# is it in the LRU cache?
my $ref = $lru->get($call);
if ($ref && ref $ref eq 'DXUser') {
- $ref->{lastseen} = $main::systime;
return $ref;
return undef;
- $ref->{lastseen} = $main::systime;
$lru->put($call, $ref);
return $ref;
my $call = $self->{call};
- delete $self->{annok} if $self->{annok};
- delete $self->{dxok} if $self->{dxok};
+ delete $self->{annok};
+ delete $self->{dxok};
+ $self->{lastseen} = $main::systime;
$lru->put($call, $self);
my $ref = $self->encode;
$dbm->put($call, $ref);
my $self = shift;
my $startt = shift;
my $ip = shift;
- $self->{lastseen} = $self->{lastin} = $main::systime;
# add a record to the connect list
+ $self->{lastin} = $main::systime;
my $ref = [$startt || $self->{startt}, $main::systime];
push @$ref, $ip if $ip;
push @{$self->{connlist}}, $ref;
my $fn = $name ne 'user_json' ? $name : "$main::local_data/$name"; # force use of local
# save old ones
+ copy $fn, "$fn.keep" unless -e "$fn.keep";
+ copy "$fn.ooooo", "$fn.backstop" unless -e "$fn,backstop";
move "$fn.oooo", "$fn.ooooo" if -e "$fn.oooo";
move "$fn.ooo", "$fn.oooo" if -e "$fn.ooo";
move "$fn.oo", "$fn.ooo" if -e "$fn.oo";
move "$fn.o", "$fn.oo" if -e "$fn.o";
move "$fn", "$fn.o" if -e "$fn";
my $ta = [gettimeofday];
my $count = 0;
my $err = 0;
my $del = 0;
+ my $spurious = 0;
+ my $unlocked = 0;
+ my $old = 0;
+ my $ancient = 0;
+ my $nodes = 0;
+ my $renamed = 0;
my $fh = new IO::File ">$fn" or return "cannot open $fn ($!)";
if ($fh) {
my $key = 0;
my $ref;
eval {$ref = decode($val); };
if ($ref) {
- my $t = $ref->{lastin} || 0;
- if ($ref->is_user && !$ref->{priv} && $main::systime > $t + $tooold) {
- unless ($ref->{lat} && $ref->{long} || $ref->{qth} || $ref->{qra}) {
+ my $t = $ref->{lastseen} if exists $ref->{lastseen};
+ $t ||= $ref->{lastin} if exists $ref->{lastin};
+ $t ||= $ref->{lastoper} if exists $ref->{lastoper};
+ $t //= 0;
+ if ($ref->is_user) {
+ if ($ref->{priv} == 0 && $main::systime > $t + $tooold) {
+ unless (($ref->{lat} && $ref->{long}) || $ref->{qth} || $ref->{name} || $ref->{qra}) {
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', sprintf("$ref->{call} deleted, empty and too Old at %s", difft($t, ' ')));
+ ++$del;
+ ++$old;
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error2: delete '$key' => '$val' $@")) if $@;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($main::systime > $t + $veryold) {
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', sprintf("$ref->{call} deleted, POSITIVELY ANCIENT at %s", difft($t, ' ')));
+ ++$del;
+ ++$ancient;
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error2: delete '$key' => '$val' $@")) if $@;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($ref->{lockout} == 1 && $ref->{priv} == 1) {
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "$ref->{call} depriv'd and unlocked");
+ $ref->{lockout} = $ref->{priv} = 0;
+ $ref->put;
+ ++$unlocked;
+ }
+ if ($ref->is_node && $main::systime > $t + $veryold) {
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', sprintf("NODE $ref->{call} deleted (%s) old", difft($t, ' ')));
+ ++$del;
+ ++$nodes;
eval {$dbm->del($key)};
dbg(carp("Export Error2: delete '$key' => '$val' $@")) if $@;
- LogDbg('DXCommand', "$ref->{call} deleted, too old");
- $del++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $normcall = normalise_call($key);
+ if ($normcall ne $key) {
+ # if the normalised call does not exist, create it from the duff call.
+ my $nref = DXUser::get_current($normcall);
+ unless ($nref) {
+ $ref->{call} = $normcall;
+ $ref->put;
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "DXProt: spurious call $key normalises to $normcall renaming $key -> $normcall");
+ ++$renamed;
+ }
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "DXProt: spurious call $key (should be $normcall), removing");
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error1: delete $key => '$val' $@")) if $@;
+ ++$spurious;
+ ++$del;
- # only store users that are reasonably active or have useful information
- print $fh "$key\t" . encode($ref) . "\n";
- ++$count;
} else {
LogDbg('DXCommand', "Export Error3: '$key'\t" . carp($val) ."\n$@");
eval {$dbm->del($key)};
dbg(carp("Export Error3: delete '$key' => '$val' $@")) if $@;
+ next;
- }
- $fh->close;
- }
+ # only store users that are reasonably active or have useful information
+ print $fh "$key\t" . encode($ref) . "\n";
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ $fh->close;
my $diff = _diffms($ta);
- my $s = qq{Exported users to $fn - $count Users $del Deleted $err Errors in $diff mS ('sh/log Export' for details)};
+ my $s = qq{Exported users to $fn - $count Users, $del Deleted ($old empty \& too old, $ancient ancient, $nodes nodes, $spurious spurious), $renamed renamed, $unlocked Unlocked, $err Errors in $diff mS ('sh/log Export' for details)};
LogDbg('command', $s);
return $s;
return '-(ve)' if $t < 0;
- my ($d,$h,$m,$s);
+ my ($y,$d,$h,$m,$s);
my $out = '';
+ $y = int $t / (86400*365);
+ $out .= sprintf ("%s${y}y", $adds?' ':'') if $y;
+ $t -= $y * 86400 * 365;
$d = int $t / 86400;
$out .= sprintf ("%s${d}d", $adds?' ':'') if $d;
$t -= $d * 86400;