my $obscount = $dxchan->nopings;
my $pingint = $dxchan->pingint;
my $lastt = $dxchan->lastping ? ($dxchan->pingint - ($nowt - $dxchan->lastping)) : $pingint;
- my $ping = $dxchan->is_node && $dxchan != $main::me ? sprintf("%7.2f",$dxchan->pingave) : "";
+ my $ping = sprintf("%7.2f", $dxchan->pingave || 0);
my $iso = $dxchan->isolate ? 'Y' : ' ';
my $uptime = difft($dxchan->startt, 1);
my ($fin, $fout, $pc92) = (' ', ' ', ' ');
$fout = $dxchan->routefilter =~ /node_default/ ? 'D' : 'Y';
- unless ($pingint) {
+ unless ($pingint && $ping) {
$lastt = 0;
- $ping = " ";
+ $ping = ' ';
+ $obscount = ' ';
$sort = "DXSP" if $dxchan->is_spider;
|| Filter::read_in('ann', 'user_default', 0) ;
$self->{rbnfilter} = Filter::read_in('rbn', $call, 0)
|| Filter::read_in('rbn', $nossid, 0)
- || Filter::read_in('spots', $call, 0)
- || Filter::read_in('spots', $nossid, 0)
- || Filter::read_in('rbn', 'user_default', 0)
- || Filter::read_in('spots', 'user_default', 0);
+ || Filter::read_in('rbn', 'user_default', 0);
# clean up qra locators
my $qra = $user->qra;
my $pkg = shift;
my $call = shift;
- DXProt::_add_thingy($main::routeroot, [$call, 0, 0, 1, undef, undef, $self->hostname], );
- $self->{d} = {};
+# DXProt::_add_thingy($main::routeroot, [$call, 0, 0, 1, undef, undef, $self->hostname], );
$self->{spot} = {};
$self->{last} = 0;
$self->{noraw} = 0;
my $user = $self->{user};
my $call = $self->{call};
my $name = $user->{name};
- my $dref = $self->{d};
- my $spotref = $self->{spot};
# log it
my $host = $self->{conn}->peerhost;
# get the filters
my $nossid = $call;
$nossid =~ s/-\d+$//;
- $self->{spotsfilter} = Filter::read_in('spots', $call, 0)
- || Filter::read_in('spots', $nossid, 0)
- || Filter::read_in('spots', 'user_default', 0);
+ $self->{inrbnfilter} = Filter::read_in('rbn', $call, 1)
+ || Filter::read_in('rbn', 'node_default', 1);
# clean up qra locators
my $qra = $user->qra;
$qra = undef if ($qra && !DXBearing::is_qra($qra));
my $r = [$origin, nearest(.1, $qrg), $call, $mode, $s, $t, $utz, $respot, $u];
dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' ADD RECORD call: $call qrg: $qrg origin: $origin") if isdbg('rbn');
my @s = Spot::prepare($r->[1], $r->[2], $r->[6], '', $r->[0]);
+ if ($self->{inrbnfilter}) {
+ my ($want, undef) = $self->{inrbnfilter}->it($s);
+ next unless $want;
+ }
$r->[9] = \@s;
push @$spot, $r;
++$qrg{$s->[0]}; # and the qrg
- my $filter = 0;
- if ($dxchan->{rbnfilter}) {
- ($filter, undef) = $dxchan->{rbnfilter}->it($s);
- next unless $filter;
+ my $want = 0;
+ my $rf = $dxchan->{rbnfilter} || $dxchan->{spotsfilter};
+ if ($rf) {
+ ($want, undef) = $rf->it($s);
+ next unless $want;
$saver = $s;
dbg("RBN: FILTERED call: $s->[1] qrg: $s->[0] origin: $s->[4] dB: $r->[4]") if isdbg 'rbn';
dbg("RBN: SENDING call: $saver->[1] qrg: $saver->[0] origin: $saver->[4] $saver->[3]") if isdbg 'rbn';
if ($dxchan->{ve7cc}) {
- my $call = $saver->[1];
- $saver->[1] .= '-#';
+ my $call = $saver->[4];
+ $saver->[4] .= '-#';
$buf = VE7CC::dx_spot($dxchan, @$saver);
- $saver->[1] = $call;
+ $saver->[4] = $call;
} else {
$buf = $dxchan->format_dx_spot(@$saver);