Links to other DXcluster sites

Links to other DXcluster sites

DX PacketCluster WebNet

Your DX Cluster Connection Information, Files and more.
Goal: To be your total PacketCluster (AK1A) resource

OH2AQ WebCluster

The OH2AQ webcluster (aka OH2BUA) "DX Summit" was one of the first, and is one of the best, internet web accessible DXclusters around.


A general resource page with links to all the most popular DX Cluster sites and facilities on the web, including things like links to qsl info, callsign lookup and so forth.


Copyright © 1998 by Dirk Koopman G1TLH &apm; Mike Tubby G8TIC. All Rights Reserved
$Id: links.html,v 1.2 1998/12/17 00:44:39 djk Exp $